2019 Collaboration Cures

As one attends conferences organized by various boards and professional groups of education, it becomes apparent that many of them, no matter which organization is of the primary focus, are alike. This is now our second time attending the AAPMD Airway Summit, and it again was distinguishable from any other conference in the past. I believe it is important to understand the truly collaborative effort of all the organizations involved as the level of discussion was already set high because of the many disciplines present during these four days.

We were proud to join a long list of sponsors which included; The American College for Advancement in Medicine, The American Academy of Physiological Medicine & Dentistry, The Academy of Applied Myofunctional Sciences, The American Academy for Oral Systemic Health, The Institute of Physical Art, The Foundation for Airway Health, The North American Association of Facial Orthotropics, The International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology and the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain.If you made it through the list above, it may be easier to understand the vastness of conversations had, professions in attendance, speaker topics presented and overall interest in integration. As I spent four days discussing and fielding various questions related to the relevance and strong presence of our Institute at this event, we immediately became aware of the potential and power that this science of Postural Restoration can have on a collaborative group of minds which we were surrounded by. After having these conversations between various Dentists, Oral Facial Myologists, Hygienists, Speech & Language Pathologists, Craniofacial Pain Physicians, and many other systemic health and physiology professionals, their desire for integrative and collaborative care was at an all-time high.

Many of them however were curious and sometimes cautious about where to begin, who to reach out to, and how those other professionals may benefit their patients overall plan of care and most importantly their treatment outcomes. Then comes “The Important Collaborative Role of PT and Airway Health” which was presented by Ron Hruska, Gregg Johnson and Brad Gilden. Which in and of itself was a milestone in the collaborative effort to introduce the important role PT’s have in viewing and treating airway and all other forms of dysfunction. Not only is the role of the physical therapist becoming more apparent but the roles of ALL individual professionals involved are becoming more appreciated. We were fortunate to have the presence of PRC, Steve Cuddy who has been practicing PRI and integrating with other disciplines in the Austin area for many years. Steve, it was truly an absolute gift to have you there as a representative of our credentialed providers across the country and abroad as these other professions look to you and others like you, who have become a PRI provider. The professionals mentioned above will be reaching out to all of you in the days, months and years to come, as a resource for integration of the science of PRI within their approaches of treating Airway Dysfunction and overall health!

“Attending the Collaboration Cures Airway Conference was an eye-opening, yet reassuring experience.  Eye-opening in the sense that the collection of airway-related issues is more complex and prevalent than, I believe, anyone truly understands.  Reassuring because I’m more confident than ever that we as PRI practitioners are uniquely positioned to play an integral role in the detection and treatment of obstructive airway conditions. Returning back to our homes, I’m sure that all attendees are more hopeful after listening to and meeting a wide range of passionate practitioners. This would include Ron who gave a few very insightful presentations.  I’m here to tell everyone in PRI Land that airway obstruction and the anterior neck are areas that we understand, thanks in very large part to the information that Ron has put together for us. My hope is that we make that clear to all allied airway health professions in our communities as we continue our own Postural Restoration journeys.”
Steve Cuddy

A huge thank you to Dr. Howard Hindin, and the AAPMD Organization for once again including us in this effort. Dr. Hindin was awarded the “Howard G. Hindin, Breath of Life Award” for his dedication and role in this collaborative movement and because of his efforts Airway Health has been brought to the forefront of Healthcare. Thank you again and we look forward to continuing our involvement with and alongside you all. Next year’s Collaboration Cures conference will be held in Seattle, on November 12-14th! See you there.