2019 NATA Convention

Jen and I recently returned to the NATA National Convention in Las Vegas for their 70th Annual Meeting! This year we were joined by Hruska Clinic Physical Therapist and PRC, Jason Masek as he presented and contributed to a break out session on the first day of this Conference. We are always humbled by the unique interest voiced by the Athletic Training community and this year in particular, Universities throughout the country. As more and more Student Athletic Trainers, Graduate Assistants, Administrators and Professional Athletic Trainers introduce Postural Restoration concepts to their athletes, the desire to learn more continues to grow within these populations. Many attendees looked forward to taking further course work through the Institute or hosting courses themselves within their programs. Our PRI Japan Faculty was continuously mentioned by the Japanese Athletic Trainers in attendance and the impact that Kenny, Sy, and Takashi had on their peers not only during their time here in the States throughout their foundational years, but also through their Faculty roles as they currently grow PRI Japan, was voiced with high praise.

Jason intorduced our science through the "Prevention of Movement Patterned Conditions Beyond Competitive Years: Asymmetrical Movement Pattern Considerations". He and Jen fielded many questions by those who attended this talk, and led these individuals through a break out session of performing several PRI objective tests and Non-Manual Technique interventions addressing these findings. A special thank you to Mark Cairns, ATC, PRT and Jessica Tidswell, PT, ATC, PRT for their contribution in helping to guide and assist these techniques during this session. This introduction led even more traffic to our booth and many of those who received these concepts for the first time were eager to attend their first course. 

For those of you who were unable to attend but are interested in viewing the concepts Jason presented, his full Handout can be VIEWED HERE. We look forward to the continued growth of #PRINATION within the Athletic Training community and would love to answer any questions you may have!