AAPMD 2022 Presentation

"Balancing Breathing and Autonomic Nervous System Function through Music and Dance"

The AAPMD conference in Phoenix was one of the most satisfying experiences I’ve ever had. I met so many kind and caring professionals with intense passion for making airway health a priority in our medical system, as it truly should be.

I was asked to give a presentation about how to use music and dance to balance autonomic nervous system function. Luckily for me, one of the founders of the organization is my dentist and he knows all about my PRI endeavors. But it was when I talked about salsa, and how I can change range of motion tests through music and movement, that his interest was piqued.

I reflected a lot yesterday evening after most people had gone home. I ate dinner with an amazing SLP and she believes that the educational system failed me when I was young. Perhaps it did. I don’t know, but apparently I was never the “perfect idiot” that my 6th grade math teacher said I was. Although I never believed I was dumb, my school performance was usually just average (3rd Pic). My self confidence plummeted and never really recovered until my late 20s/early 30s. But it did recover and that has made all the difference.

When accomplished individuals like Ron Hruska and Dr. Howard Hindin believe in you, you start to think beyond your usual limited horizons.

You never know what you can achieve, who you can inspire, and how many people you can help. My path certainly wasn’t what I ever expected nor desired, but you take life as it comes and make the most of your opportunities when they arise.

I’m so grateful for the AAPMD, Postural Restoration and Jose at the Just 1 Dance Studio and my acting teacher Clara Rutt for allowing me to bring all my passions together for an unforgettable experience.