Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium Postponed to April 2021

In light of what is going on around all of us and the associated uncertainty of this virus that will no doubt continue into the summer months, we have made the difficult decision to once again postpone the Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium.

We do not feel that it is in the best interest of the Institute, the Speakers, or PRINation to try and host it this August, like we had hoped would be possible when we initially rescheduled. We really want to host this as a live event, rather than a streamed event. Each of the speakers have such strong messages that will be reinforced by live participation from both the other speakers as well as a full room of course attendees. This is what makes these Symposiums so special year after year. We also feel, because of so much uncertainty regarding our economy, transportation and US CDC guidelines, there would be many individuals who would not feel comfortable attending this August. Therefore, we are re-scheduling the Symposium to April 22-23, 2021. This year’s topic on Parkinson’s Disease and Extrapyramidal Disorders has garnered a lot of interest over the past several months, and we have no doubt that next year’s symposium will be one of the best ones yet!

We are planning to have our Anniversary Celebration next April as well. As symposium speaker and PRC physical therapist Jennifer Smart said, “Twenty-one years is a special number to celebrate too . . . the Institute has really come of age once it hits 21!” We are hopeful that you will still be able to join us in Lincoln for the symposium and this special anniversary celebration. 

We apologize for having to re-schedule this again, but we do feel that we are making the best decision for everyone involved. A lot of unsettling discomfort is being felt as a result of this global crisis, but we are hopeful that we will all be able to come together stronger than ever next Spring and have a room full of attendees excited to embrace this topic without stressing over social distancing and social traveling. Enjoying each other, collaboratively, socially and professionally make these Symposiums and their associated memories very special, and we hope that you will be able to join us in April 2021 for this overdue symposium and celebration!