California Chiropractic Association Sports Symposium 2022

Huntington Beach was the location of the California Chiropractic Association’s (CalChiro) annual sports symposium on May 21-22. There were a wide range of topics including shoulder diagnosis to sports psychology to treating Marfan’s patients and then on to several approaches of functional movement specialties for rehabilitation and sport performance in a chiropractic practice.

I had the privilege of representing the Postural Restoration Institute and the topic presented was on the “The Two Roles of the Diaphragm in Chiropractic, Rehabilitation and Sport Performance”. This topic with lecture and lab had an enthusiastic response and many of the attendees that had taken a PRI course before were “fired up” to learn more. Those who had never heard of PRI or were unfamiliar with our approach were very curious to learn more especially regarding the thoracic diaphragm, breathing in sport performance and pelvic floor dysfunction.

This was the first time PRI was represented along with DNS and SFMA in the same venue at a chiropractic symposium. I got to know Michael Rintala, D.C. who teaches for DNS and Greg Rose, D.C. who developed the SFMA and it was a pleasure to get to know these two highly dedicated and competent practitioners on a personal and professional level.

I was more than thrilled to represent PRI to progressive chiropractors open to having an integrated practice approach. It was also a thrill to have Drs. Rintal and Rose in attendance to share more of what PRI can offer regardless of one’s practice approach. I enjoyed learning more about DNS and refreshing my knowledge of the SFMA. In addition, this weekend was a treat for me to see my colleagues and friends Drs. Richard Cheung and Jeff Tucker who were both, in part, responsible for my journey into PRI certification and ultimately into becoming a faculty member. I will always be grateful for their support.

And last, this past weekend was the 10th anniversary of taking my first PRI course, Postural Respiration, and what a meaningful journey it has been!