Cervical Revolution – Livestream – Course Review

Cervical Revolution came back to Lincoln this past weekend with a large zoom audience spanning internationally from Asia to North America to Europe. I had the pleasure of teaching to a live audience as well as having the added assistance of Louise Kelley, PT to help breakdown PRI concepts including  the finer parts of technique for de-rotation of the Right TMCC as it relates to not only the cervical spine but the entire system as well. In attendance was an impressive interdisciplinary group including movement specialists, strength and conditioning professionals, massage and soft tissue professionals, chiropractors, physical therapists, an osteopath, two dentists and one RN who is also a CSCS wanting to expand his horizons!

This is a course about the cervical spine and the need for revolvement that maintains alternation side to side, brainstem oscillation, temporal bone "wobble" and a jaw that can freely move side to side to keep a neck and nervous system in balance of an asymmetrical human that can stand erect and move fully and freely. Atlas and occipital bones make up a highly neurologic articulation with a brainstem and autonomics that are intimately connected to this highly reflexive region. This course is the gateway to the cranium and the introduction to top down as well as bottom up concepts of PRI. The cervical, cranial and occlusal systems are all integrated in this course and an impressive demonstration for all, especially the dentists, was provided with a simple mouth guard that Ron made for Louise the day before the course started. I demonstrated this stomatognathic example with Louise by first testing her cervical spine with a mouth guard that gave her right molar contact and reinforced her RTMCC pattern resulting in positive tests of her cervical spine. Another mouth guard was then utilized that dis-occluded her right molar contact while giving her left molar contact sense and all of her tests became negative immediately. This demonstrated the neurologic effect of a simple mandibular appliance on not only the cervical spine but the entire neuro-respiratory-biomechanical system.

Needless to say, this was communicated to me by a student as ‘mind blowing’ and brought an experiential example of the power of this course. Thank you to RJ for expert facilitation of this course over the weekend, Louise Kelley for being such a great lab assistant and team mate and Ron Hruska for spending Friday before the course reviewing advanced PRI concepts. Most of all, thanks for all of the students in attendance especially from international locations that stayed up really late or got up really early and for all of the diverse professions that contributed their advanced thought and experience to the enrichment of this weekend.