Dallas, TX – Pelvis Restoration – Course in Review

A huge shout out to Amy Goddard from Goddard Orthopedic and Sports Therapy for hosting Pelvis Restoration this past weekend in Dallas, TX. You are simply awesome. Thank you for everything from room set-up, food, organizing a dinner out Saturday, lab assisting, and your passion for PRI. Half of the class was attending their first PRI course and the attendees varied from Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Athletic Trainers and Personal Trainers. The intellect in this group was amazing from seasoned PRI practitioners collaborating with their peers to assist them on their journey with PRI. This course "goes into the weeds" with AFIR/AFER tri-planar positioning of the pelvic inlet and outlet. If patients don’t have correct facilitation and inhibition on the left and right sides for gait, they will struggle with FAIR/FAER and trunk rotation with compensation thru the neck and ankle. It was a great weekend with colleagues who have a desire to learn and are open minded to the complexities of the human body. Thank you to this class for a wonderful weekend. On a personal note, mixing my passion to teach with a quick trip to Waco, TX with my sister to take in the Magnolia Market from the show Fixer Upper. It was a great trip to Texas!!!