Dry Bones by Dr. Gerald Murphy

If you are a member of the Journal of Cranio Mandibular Practice you have probably read the July issue titled “Multidisciplinary”.  This issue covers how crucial it is to integrate with other disciplines to achieve the most desirable outcome for the patient.  In addition, there is a spectacular editorial written by Dr. Gerald Murphy on how necessary he has found the multidisciplinary approach to be in his practice.  After reading the editorial Ron Hruska felt compelled to write the author and share a few comments with him:

“Just read the July issue of The Journal of Craniomandibular Practice and wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed reading your segment on Dry Bones.  I have always tried to integrate disciplinary medicine and dentistry in my practice and always remember that each of our disciplines have limitations.  Really feel like you hit a home run on this piece.”

Read the editorial HERE!