Falls Church, VA – Myokinematic Restoration – Course in Review

I had a great time this weekend teaching Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis at Body Dynamics in Falls Church, VA. I grew up not far from Falls Church and my college roommate lives in Rockville MD. I got to spend some time with an old friend and teach a course that I consider an old friend. Myokin is a great course to start a PRI journey and that is exactly what 90% of my course attendees were experiencing. We took an OBER and Thomas Test and turned them from orthopedic soft tissue tests to the neuro respiratory positional tests as they provide clinical evidence of an asymmetrical pattern.

PRI Myokinematic Restoration Course Demonstration

There was as much fog in the room at 4:00pm on Saturday as there was on my drive up to VA on Friday night! But… by Sunday at 5pm the sun was out and the connections in their new PRI minds were clear as the weather outside!

PRI is an integrated science and Myokin of the hip and pelvis is just one piece of an integrated system. But what would a Diaphragm be without a solid pelvic base and a good appreciation of AFIR in stance and AFER in swing!

I was honored to have Dr. Felix Liao, DDS author of “6 foot Tiger in a 3-foot cage”! Dr. Liao considers himself an airway mouth dentist. He was in attendance to understand the perspective of the PRI therapist, so he can better understand the neuro mechanics of PRI and how he can better help patients integrate!

Jennifer Gamboa, Lisa Clarkson and the entire staff of Body Dynamics welcomed all of us to their clinic. These professionals all work well together and it was so fun to watch how they picked right up on PRI methods. Lisa had been exposed to PRI out in Seattle as a student. She did a great job hosting us this weekend!

This class kept me on my toes and asked awesome questions to better understands how to integrate PRI into the current practice. I always enjoy teach Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis. It helps further stabilize my own clinical practice and reinforce the importance of sound PRI fundamentals in my treatment plan.