Human Evolution – Live Stream

When you have a client or patient in your care, are you thinking about where they’ve been? How they may have developed? What experiences they may have or have not had? Do they understand what it feels like to push and to pull at the same time? Do they have competence with LE extension? Did they drop off previous patterns to attain new ones? Are they grounded and how did they attain that sense? Does their posture or their gait demonstrate that they have interferences with one or more of their senses? Is their sense of cortical, functional, hemispheric activity balanced?

These are some of the questions we discussed last weekend in the latest live stream offering of the PRI Human Evolution course. Understanding the 10 critical components in a sensory motor developmental sequence (SMDS) and how they cross reference with 7 particular sensory systems can help the clinician, personal trainer, or movement specialist deliver developmentally informed care for optimal outcomes. Because, let’s face it… we’ve all gotten to the place we are today by overcoming challenges, by compensating, by adapting, and by evolving over time. The remedy for improvement of our patterning depends on this history of experiences for patients and clients at any current age.

-Lisa Mangino