Impingement and Instability – New York, NY – Course in Review

The definition of -ation is something connected with an action or process, or the process of doing something. I feel that I am doing this every time I teach this course. Processing references with desirable action to achieve outcomes that can become reprocessed through the integration of sense of this -ation. This can become a revelation for those who are struggling to change processing.  Once again I appreciate Finish Line Physical Therapy for hosting another course in NYC. Tying the last hour of the course, humeral – scapular – thoracic activity with the first hour of the course, calcaneus activity allows the attendees to complete a full circle of sensory referencing, clinically and personally. This group was great in not only participation but in helping Kentaro Ishii MS, ATC/L, PES, CE, PRT rethinking about course organization. Michael Macchiarulo PT, DPT and Monica Saenz DPT thank you for representing the RAIC/LBC and LAIC/RBC pattern references throughout both days. 

Monica Integrating R AIC/L BC references while Michael integrates L AIC/R BC references. 

Michael integrating R AIC/L BC references while Monica integrating L AIC/R BC references.

Brynn Fessette DPT, FAFS, Joshua DiLoreto ATC, and Chris Leib DPT, CSCS,Cert MD were awesome lab demonstrators and volunteers and enriched the course by their willingness to share their ‘sense’ of what they were feeling and integrating.  

But the best thing about teaching, is meeting new people, hearing new reasoning, and integrating new concepts based upon novice and novel experience. Boris Dugandzie and Dino Dogan were two people who exposed me to a culture and country that I knew vey little about. Because of them, Croatia is now on my travel destination bucket list. Their attendance helped me find a different kind of pronation and supination between two Croatians, who have little need to reach forwards or upwards with their arms and hands. Ron demonstrates the -ation, between the floor and the thorax between two Croatians, who struggle to find it.