Impingement & Instability – Live Stream

“This has been a season of change for me, personally and professionally. My wife and I dropped our oldest child off at college, which is a transition as any parent will tell you. And I have had been challenged professionally as the neurology of PRI has started to become more clear and one of the gateway courses that PRI offers in that endeavor is Impingement and Instability.

If you have not taken this course since 2021, I would encourage you to do so. This course is allows the attendee a pathway to use the information from Cervical Revolution, Cranial Resolution, Forward Locomotor Movement, and Voice Box with increased proficiency. Given how important it is for the human system to demonstrate cervical freedom, many of our patients of clients benefit from improved alternating pressure management.

Impingement and Instability address the necessity for using reference centers for pressure management. We discussed the necessity of being able to cue PRI Non-manual techniques for improved neurological advantage and the necessity of asking your patient or client to verbalize their interpretation of their new and novel sensory experience. This new experience allows their brain to redefine and recover what it means to alternate through their entire system.

If you have any interest in pursuing future PRI courses, Impingement and Instability facilitates that route. Even if you are not looking to pursue further coursework in PRI, this course provides so many “ah-ha” moments for attendees in the application of advanced concepts of PRI application. Once the attendee is able to use the concepts from the three PRI primary courses and expand their clinical experience with I&I, their clients and patients will progress through their desired goals much faster. I hope to see you in future iterations of Impingement and Instability!”

– Dan Houglum