Interdisciplinary Integration Speaker Spotlight – Rosalba Courtney, DO, PhD

There is probably no one that has over 35 years of “breathing experience” as it relates to lower back dysfunction or chronic disease than Rosalba Courtney. I have referenced her, written about her, studied her work, and continue to read her material. She has always been a person I am mindful of when contemplating the role the ANS has on regulation and vagal tone. She was mindful of autonomic dysregulation long before the term “dysautonomia” or “persistent postural perceptual dizziness (PPPD)” became widely noted or understood. She always related neurophysiological disruption to the scientific evidenced-based perspectives of non-pharmacologic healing methods. This is what drew me to Rosalba. Her deep, deep respect for resonance and rhythmic respiration. It is such an honor to have her accept our invitation to come to Lincoln, Nebraska as our 2019 Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium keynote speaker. If there is one word that I correlate patterns and positions to, it is ‘oscillation’ largely because of individuals like Rosalba. Oscillatory activity occurs to help coordinate a system of “oscillating body systems.” After our personal conversation with her, I am sure this noted Australian will enlighten our sense of vibratory need.

To read more of Rosalba’s work, I would invite you to visit her website. What’s even more exciting is that Rosalba is no stranger to PRI, as she has attended all of the courses we have hosted in Australia in the past few years. I am very much looking forward to finally meeting her, welcoming her to Lincoln, and introducing her to more of the PRI family.

Rosalba’s presentations at our upcoming sympoisum are titled:

Oscillations and Resonance Frequencies of the Breath and the Body- Part 1     
Our bodies live in ever changing conditions. For health and homeostasis to be maintained successfully we need to constantly adapt to constant change. Oscillations occurring within the functions of our various body systems help these systems to co-ordinate their functions so that they can work together to optimally react to change and maintain homeostasis. Breathing is an oscillating system that can influence the function and co-ordination of other oscillating body systems, particularly the autonomic nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the digestive system in ways that enhance or interfere with the function of those body systems. Every oscillating system has one or several resonance frequencies where unique capabilities emerge. Resonance frequencies of breathing can be used therapeutically to assist a range of health conditions including depression, anxiety, panic disorder, dysautonomia, asthma, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, functional gastro-intestinal and cardiovascular disorders.

Optimizing the Healing Effects of Breathing Rhythms, Frequencies and Oscillations- Part 2
The healing and homeostatic effect of breathing oscillations can be optimized by improving the functionality of breathing. People with dysfunctional breathing have difficulties harnessing the healing powers of resonance frequency breathing. We well explore how 1. psychophysiological, 2. biomechanical and 3. biochemical dimensions of breathing functionality affect the breaths ability to heal and restore homeostasis and learn some techniques for assessing patients for with tools that can measure these various dimensions of dysfunctional breathing. We will then explore ways of modifying the practice of resonance frequency breathing to assist functionality in these 3 key breathing dimensions.

The early registration deadline for the Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium is this Friday. CLICK HERE to register today!