Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium 2013

We had a great two days discussing Athletic Performance at our 5th Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium! It was by far our largest group with over 115 attendees. A big thank you to all those who attended and the speakers who contributed to the integrative learning: Mike Arthur, Ken Crenshaw, Heidi Wise, John Cook, Dr. Kris Berg, Eric Cressey, Drew Marchesi, and Ron Hruska!

A few testimonials from course attendees:
“Thank you so much – always such a great course, really enjoyed the content – great mix of speakers, topics.”

“I was looking forward to the content and it exceeded my expectations. The only thing is that I wanted more!!”

“This was a wonderful integration of biomechanics with physiology to allow athletes and practitioners to communicate and breathe.”

In addition, we had several requests for the Sweet Crispix Chex Mix recipe, so HERE it is!