It’s a ‘Small World’ – PRI’s Interdisciplinary Integration Sympoisum 2019

It was a very cold weekend here in Lincoln Nebraska, and as a result of the weather and having a weekend off from course instruction, I had the opportunity to read, reflect and integrate. Therefore, it was a great weekend. This morning, I am reflecting again on material I read and perused, some of which was written by our speakers who are coming to Lincoln in April for the Spring Symposium. It is difficult to focus on what I need to do this week, because of my excitement for this collaborative event. Each of the speakers I have met and talked to in one form or another, and they all are people that have so much in common and so much to offer because of their dedicated work and dedicated pursuance of advanced work that is built off of integrative collaboration. I look forward to you meeting them and learn how they will help you advance your effort with airway oscillation, incorporation of glottal alignment and regulation of vibration in treating conditions associated with postural asymmetry.

After spending a day with Ruth Hennessy and some of her vocal clients a few days ago, while in NYC, I received this text message from Ruth. “I have a voice student I Skype with in Australia who has, for several years, been telling me about her amazing osteopath and how we are so on the same wavelength. Yep, it’s Rosalba Courtney! My student has taken some of her breathing classes in Sydney. Small world!”

This weekend of cogitation has reminded me of how small of a world it really is, when you reflect on how our interpersonal lives are really tied to those with similar adventures, study, interests, habits and relationships. All of this year’s Symposium speakers have two things in common, breath and body position. And I can’t wait to see and hear them interact with each other and with you in the SAME room.   If you have not decided yet on whether or not to come to this opportunity, reconsider what I reflected on this weekend; this unique personal connection of our ‘small worlds’ WILL NOT happen again like it will on April 11th and 12th. For those of you coming, I am eager for you to meet these speakers and experience the energy they will bring you, and your clients or patients through this assembly. Over the next few weeks, I will expound on my personal reasons for asking them to participate, and expand and consolidate our ‘small worlds.’

Ron Hruska working with Ruth Hennessy and a voice student

Ron Hruska working with Ruth Hennessy and a voice student