Join us for our next free webinar! Mandibular Temporal Latero-Rotary Movement Influence on the Ankle and Foot

Join us for the second webinar of the 3 part MANDIBULAR Temporal LATERO-Rotary Movement Infleunces series on Friday, March 10th at 1pm CT. This free 90-minute webinar will include time for questions at the end. If you are unable to join us live, the webinar will be posted to the Webinars page on our website.

This webinar is titled “MANDIBULAR Temporal LATERO-Rotary Movement Influences on the ANKLE and FOOT”.

If you missed the first webinar in this series, which was titled “Mandibular Temporal Latero-Rotary Movement Influence on Palatal, Occlusal, Glossal and Podal Orientation”, you can click here to access the recording and handouts.

Please feel free to share this information with other colleagues who might be interested in attending.