Letting Go…

Marriage is more than a union of two people. It is a time where two people come together, and usually four people have to let go. My brother, two weeks ago handed his first daughter’s hand over to his new son in law, and admitted, it was the hardest thing he ever has done. Maybe not as hard as letting go of the bicycle she was riding as a little girl, as he ran beside her, and as she took those first few yards solely, without her father’s hand on the bike. But, he let go. He struck my emotional cords when he asked everyone at this wedding to remember it will be tough for him to truly “let go”, in this situation, even though she is safe and loved; because he is her father. 

Letting go of something that depends on you, something you love and you reference most of your life, does not happen overnight. It takes courage, trust and repetitive replacement to minimize future unwanted co-dependency.

There are a number of muscles that our human patterned body needs to let go. I have selected those specific muscles and regions that we need to learn to inhibit, minimize, and basically let go. I also selected the PRI non-manual inhibition technique that allows one to really focus and find other reference centers so that they can let go. These new reference centers may not be the handle bars of a bicycle or the arms of a spouse, but they are there waiting for us if we learn to “let go”.

CLICK HERE to see Ron’s selected PRI techniques to help you “let go”. Please note that some of these are new techniques which will be included on the upcoming new CD collection!