Myokinematic Restoration – Albuquerque, NM – Course Review

What a great weekend in Albuquerque, NM. Albuquerque is really my home away from home. My wife is from Albuquerque and we have spent winter holidays with family down in the great state of New Mexico. Family, sunny skies, and amazing cycling have given Albuquerque a special place in my heart. It was so nice to grow my PRI family this past weekend in Albuquerque with such a great class.

Everyone seemed excited and ready to learn about patterns, positions, and posture. We learned how a left hamstring will help oppose the dominant neurological patterns and positions that have been our default as human beings. We learned how to engage a left IC adductor, a left anterior glute med, and a right glute max to balance out our “pickles” and provide a recipe for forward locomotion in a less dangerous and pathological way. Albuquerque is famous for balloons, so a PRI class in New Mexico would not be complete without utilization of PRI balloons to inhibit an AIC chain.

Anna helped us all appreciate some internal obliques and transverse abdominals to prevent us from being alligators. Jayson saved the day with an emergency trip to Office Depot for an essential projector cable. The “hamstring” of the projector! Caroline provided a pleasant southern twang narration while being a great example of a common left AIC presentation. The “Work Wives” up front were a joy to have in the front row and their excitement for the material was contagious. The “Sams” in the back contributed to fantastic dialogue and thought processes. I am excited for them for their PRI journey ahead. Hannah reminded us all of the importance of shifting left and right and why the patterns are not a bad thing. Patterns are our “friends” as long as we can alternate and reciprocate!

A big thanks to all who attended, especially the Presbyterian Healthplex “family” for being so welcoming, friendly, and allowing me to grow my New Mexico family of clinicians.