Myokinematic Restoration – Jupiter, FL – Review

I had the great pleasure of teaching Myokinematic Restoration this past weekend in Jupiter, Florida. It was such a gift to be able to travel to Florida and spend time with this fantastic group of clinicians, coaches, massage therapists, Yoga and Pilates instructors, and even an engineer (shout out to Hugh!)

The class participants were so fun and engaging that it truly felt like I was on vacation hanging out with 33 of my best friends. The quality food and evening beach walks also helped with that feeling. Except for Amy Brown, PRC and rock star lab assistant, this was everyone’s first Myokinematic Restoration class. I learned from everyone in class and really had a great time getting to know them.

Ashley helped us think critically on how we can integrate PRI thinking within the gym and strength world. Megan was a gift from above and our main "Avatar" for the weekend, being a perfect example of a patho-compensatory L AIC individual that we can all learn from. Ed and Ingrid brightened both days by sitting front and center with their beautiful smiling faces and excellent questions.

Greg reminded us that everyone wins with a PRI lens, even when we are in a competitive market in the therapy world. Jarrod will be applying his PRI knowledge to the military world (and has a sweet truck!).

Heather brought in an Equestrian bias and dropped horse knowledge on us revealing that 90% of equestrian riders bias their horse one way thanks to the rider’s inherent asymmetries. Her friend, Darren brought his majestic deep voice to narrate non-manual techniques as well as reading positional and compensatory influences of the left AIC pattern on muscle of the lumbo-pelvic-femoral region.

Frank and Kenneth helped us understand a tight posterior capsule and how it may limit the Hruska Adduction lift scores, while Leroy and Logan helped us appreciate how important a posterior capsule is for shoulder function with the Chicago Cubs.

Barbara was a gift from the "pelvic floor" specialist world. Barbara – you are much too young to consider retirement, our profession needs you! Her colleagues Laura and Chelsea helped us understand the single blinded randomized controlled trial in the back of the manual. Chelsea plans to do a presentation on Myokinematic Restoration while implementing page 46 for her company’s case care algorithm standard of practice. Stephanie’s bright, smiling face joined Chelsea and Laura up front to help us realize the importance of a Myokinematic Restoration program during and after pregnancy (congrats, Stephanie!).

Jennah (with an "h"!) was a joy to have in class with her brilliant questions and insights. Get after those hamstrings, Jennah! Her friend Messiah was a pro at the techniques, as long as he shut off those "northern glutes"! Seth was our PT student representative. Love having DPT students in class, they provide such fresh insight and questions!

Jen and Mickey represented Arise well with fantastic questions from the back. They helped us understand the danger of compensation and how if we don’t always test in a predictable way, that still gives us valuable data.

Kristina helped us appreciate hyper-mobile individuals and how important it is that we get them on a PRI program so as not to over stress ligaments – in the pelvic, hip, or knee. Brad helped us realize the importance of our hips in our movement patterns, whether they are original or enhanced hips.

Dwight, Jennifer, and Dawn were the Dream Team in the middle of the room. Dwight, thanks for the tuna and restaurant recommendations. He was a good reminder that PTs can make good restaurant owners! Dawn helped us understand a bilateral AIC pattern, potentially influenced by a famous body building background. Jennifer was kind enough to spend her birthday with us on Sunday. Hope I didn’t make it too boring for you, Jennifer!

Robert, former professor and lecturer, helped us understand an over-active right adductor and provided thought provoking and critical questions for the class. Darrell brought excellent insight and questions from a manual therapist point of view.

Matthew and Andres proved to be enjoyable company for lunch. Matthew, fantastic questions, good luck on the potential move to COLORAD! Andres, thanks for being such a great non-manual technique demonstrator and making the drive across the state. Let me know when you are in Colorado again and we’ll get up a 14er!

Big thanks to Amy for assisting in lab and providing valuable clinical insights. Special thanks to David for being an excellent host. Perfect amount of coffee, snacks, and La Croix! All-in-all, I felt like I gained 33 new friends from this past weekend. It was such a pleasure and joy to be with you all.