Myokinematic Restoration – Live Stream

We had such a great time at Myokinematic Restoration in Lincoln last week. Two words that pop out when I reflect on the class are “fun” and “engaging”. What a fun and engaging group in person and online willing to learn about posture, patterns, pathology, and polyarticular chains.

Emily and Leo were excellent examples of left AIC patterns with different needs to re-pattern. They were such a joy to work with and we were all very lucky they decided to attend. Emily rocked 4/5 HAddLT by the end of the day and appreciated the fluidity of a body not in battle with each half of itself. For Leo, we had to consult page 39 to save us time and address his left posterior capsule tension.

Emily, Wanda, and their online friend Nicole brought wonderful Wyoming insight and laughter to the class. Kylie provided an equestrian background and information and Julie updated her Myokin material from taking the class in 2012.

Steven provided excellent questions and put together patterns, posture, and positions with his FRC background. Coach FLEX and Coach Rowdy brought the energy and questions from the back row. Coach Flex provided a fantastic example of how to inhibit southern glutes by retracting a rib cage. Coach Rowdy had some TFLs that needed some hamstrings to be shut off.

A Hruska Clinic PT made an appearance on Day 2 for the benefit of everyone. Big thanks to Ann for being there and providing such insightful information!

This class was extra special for me as I got to travel and hang out with my friend and colleague, Johnny. We had a great time discussing patterns and pathologies on the drive to and from Lincoln. He gets to take Postural next month!

Big thanks to everyone online for participating and providing excellent questions to direct the class flow. We had fantastic participation from around the country from Oregon, Washington, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Minnesota, New Jersey, Iowa, Arizona, New York, Wyoming, and even Canada! So cool to be able to interact with people all over the world at one time.

I hope everyone enjoyed the class as much as I did and are all committed to “do better”!
