Myokinematic Restoration – Live Stream, Lincoln, NE

I had the distinct pleasure of presenting Myokinematic Restoration at the home base in Lincoln. Honestly, standing at the front of that room still feels a bit like getting to take batting practice at Yankee stadium. Only this time, it was game day!

I was joined in this endeavor by a healthy live stream audience and three hearty souls in bodily attendance. A big thank you to Mike Hammond, CSCS, Whitney Rubendall, PTA, and Janna Vavra, DPT for their willingness to help me teach and demonstrate the material to our virtual attendees.

The group as a whole joined me in our mantra for the weekend, “Questions are catalysts”, and provided insightful queries and observations that propelled us all forward. One of the questions I enjoyed the most was from Susan Peterson, DPT when she asked, “Should I assume that the L AIC pattern is present in all my patients?”. Such a great question! My answer was a resounding “NO!”.

I would ask that none of us assume, that we use the tests and the material presented to confirm. The tests and the ability they provide to apply an A-B-A single subject experimental design to our treatment sessions are the foundation of successful PRI application.
Quoting Lucy Yu, DPT from her excellent document included in every primary course on evidence based practice and PRI:
“The A-B-A design as a clinical decision making tool allows for systemic, objective testing and retesting to be conducted during daily clinical PRI practice in order to rule in and rule out causes of pain and dysfunctional movement. The results can be immediately applied to direct a treatment plan that addresses each individual patient’s specific needs.”
If you haven’t had an opportunity to read through Lucy’s document, I highly recommend it.

Our journeys’ through this process of life long learning at times meet with challenging information that may conflict with how we were taught and understand the human body. PRI is not here to knock down anyone’s foundation, that is where we come from, but it is no where near our ceiling. We are all incomplete and evolution requires openness, humility, and drive. Thank you to this group for helping me on my own path, my greatest hope is that our time together can serve as another rung onward.

– Jason Miller

Adduction Drop Test


Trunk Rotation Test