Myokinematic Restoration – Live Stream – Review

I had the great pleasure of teaching Myokinematic Restoration in Lincoln, NE on August 11th and 12th. It was two days of soaking in an attitude of gratitude to be able to discuss something I am passionate about to a worldwide audience. United States, Australia, China, and Canada were represented with clinicians spread out all over the county from Florida to Washington and everywhere in between.

I also had the great privilege of attending the musical Hamilton in Lincoln with my PRI Family on Friday night. Hamilton’s message of hope, perseverance, and coming together resonated well with the Myokinematic themes of persevering through our right biasness and getting appropriate muscles to come together to balance our imbalances.

We had a fantastic in person audience who didn’t want to loose their "Shot" at learning and appreciating patterns and positions. Nicolas took a break from his final semester of PT school in Florida to remind us the learning is "Non-Stop" and gave us a great student perspective on the material. When he becomes a Physical Therapist in December he will remember to never be "Satisfied" unless he is integrating test and retest principles of A-B-A evidence based practice.

Michael attended his 14th PRI class and gave us a fantastic historical perspective as he has known Ron Hurska since 1994, knowing that "You’ll Be Back" for more as we are traveling on our PRI journeys. Matt, a former employee of the institute and Ron’s "Right Hand Man", spent time with us before he begins his role as a P.A. next week in Omaha.

We had an absolute gift in Allison who was our primary avatar for demonstration. She helped us learn that if you don’t feel the "Burn" of a left IC Adductor and left anterior glute med you may be "Helpless" managing left stance phase of gait with a pathological left hip capsule. She was able to "Blow Us All Away" by getting a 4/5 Hruska Adduction Lift score at the end of Day 2 by being such a great PRI demonstrator for the camera.

Gavin brought high level thought process and questions and taught the class to "Say No to This" overactive right adductor we often deal with. Cas’s left hip wanted to be in "The Room Where it Happens" of left AF IR to assist in reducing torque at the knee, while Joshua was excited for "What Comes Next?" as it relates to AF position and shoulder function and control for his baseball players at Baylor.

Chase and Kyle were kind enough to sit up front and "Wait For It" until Sunday afternoon for treatment techniques based off the Hruska Adduction Lift Test so that their neurological patterning and need for left stance and right swing could "Stay Alive".

Wyatt thought "That Would Be Enough" after the facilitation techniques, but was kind enough to "Take a Break" at the end of Day 2 in order to demonstrate a proper Plantar Flexor inhibition in the All 4 Belly Lift Walk.

In the end, I think all of us realized that the "World Was Wide Enough" for more knowledge and integration of PRI concepts, appreciating asymmetries, patterns, and positions. "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story" may depend on our ability to efficiently assist our patients and clients in managing out right and left sides of our body.

Big thanks to everyone attending the live stream and contributing to the discussion with their questions and attentiveness. Special shout out and thanks to RJ for running such a smooth two days juggling the technology, answering and facilitating questions, and being such a positive influence for the Institute.