Myokinematic Restoration – Missoula, MT – Course in review

Jason Miller, PT, PRC, was our host for Myokinematic Restoration last weekend in Missoula, MT.  Jason has been using PRI for quite a while, and this was a great opportunity for Jason’s co-workers to get exposed to the science of PRI.  Nearly half the audience were from Jason’s facility, which will really assist those new to PRI in their journey.  It’s always easier to have co-workers along side for the ride.  My thanks to Marla, Seth, Samantha, Kristina, Kailey, Erika, Jessica, and Sydney, as well as Jason’s wife, Jill,  for their willingness to learn and ask great questions.  

Dan Houglum, Myokinematic Restoration, Postural Restoration Institute, Primary Course

It was a great group of movement professionals, and a nice mix of those new to PRI, and those who had been exposed to PRI previously.  We started the weekend talking about positional influences on femur position and performance, as well as why and how AF position directs FA performance. We proceeded into which muscles are available and unavailable while in the L AIC pattern. This introductory 5.5 hours of didactic information is the foundation upon which the rest of our weekend was built. And it will provide a solid foundation for those new to PRI to build from as well.  

Myokinematic Restoration - Postural Restoration Primary Course

Once the groundwork had been laid, then we can start getting into the real value of PRI: getting off the right leg and onto the left leg correctly without compensation. The role the Hruska ADD and ABD tests play in that endeavor cannot be overstated. We were fortunate to have a lot of time to dedicate to these valuable tests. Additionally, we were able to experience, find, and feel inhibitory and faciliatory techniques, which allowed us to bring together both days of learning into a great time of lab.

Myokinematic Restoration - PRI Primary Course

We had a great crew of attendees. In addition to Missoula Bone & Joint group, I greatly appreciated Tim Cordial’s questions, Amy Downing’s help in lab, and Mandi Nystrom’s willingness to be our volunteer during demonstration.

Again, my thanks to Jason and his crew for a great weekend. Looking forward to the next trip to Missoula!