Myokinematic Restoration – Missoula, MT – Review

It is always nice to have a home game. Over the last two years I have had the good fortune to teach Myokinematic Restoration on both coasts and multiple points in between. This past weekend I was able to welcome a group of movement specialists to my little mountain town, Missoula, MT.

Revo Training Center hosted the course, and we had a great group consisting of Missoulians, Montanans, as well as representatives from WA, ID, AZ, NM, and TX. We opened the weekend with a discussion of a quote from Mr. Hemingway that is found on page 1 in the manual, “Never confuse movement with action”. We endeavored to appreciate how patterns of human asymmetry dictate the position of the body and ultimately whether the movement elicited by a muscle contraction supports the action we are striving for.

We focused on action around an acetabulum on a femur, on action that is preceded by appropriate position, and on action that requires inhibition of our dominant L AIC patterning. The group had great questions and insights throughout which fostered a running discussion that was not only enjoyable, but added to the depth and applicability of the course.

Thank you to Revo Training Center for hosting and thank you to all the attendees who spent a beautiful September weekend in Missoula. While we may not have been adventuring in the great outdoors, we hopefully all had a chance to expand our view of the human body in Big Sky Country!