Myokinematic Restoration – New York, NY – Review

I had such an amazing weekend teaching Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis to an engaged group of clinicians at the Finish Line. This was my 4th time returning to this facility and it really now if feeling like my NY home away from home. The clinicians at the Finish Line were great hosts and do a great job making us all feel welcome at their clinic. This group were all taking their first Myokinematics course and some had more experience than others, but for the most part the group was new to the science of PRI.  

I personally had the pleasure of bringing my husband Chris and daughter Devon with me this weekend. Sorry Madison couldn’t join us this time, she’s busy "adulting" now!  

On Saturday night, we enjoyed the Musical MJ on Broadway. This made for a new musical reference for me as I was able to reference Michael as the star of the musical, but the back up performers and supporting characters brought his talent to life. This is true for PRI non-Manual techniques. Depending on the level of strength and integrated control, there was typically one muscle that was "the star" of the technique. Whether it was the left hamstring, left adductor or right glut max, we all learned how to integrate these all important muscles to inhibit the left AIC pattern. For those of you who know my teaching style, you know of my Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Dua Lipa references!  Now I can add Michael Jackson to my repertoire of teaching analogies. At one point a course attendee asked me "who is the MJ of this exercise?"

We got through alot of material in our non manual technique section including upright integreation, the importance of alternating and reciprocal activities and of course inhibition!
The energy was high and I was not sure if it was NYC, or PRI! Either way, a good learning time was had by all!  
I appreciate my lab assistant Neal Hallinan for taking the early train into the city to help me and offer his insights during break-outs and lab.