Myokinematic Restoration – Plano, TX – Course In Review

Last weekend was memorable for several reasons. The first one was the new facility we were blessed to be welcomed into for the weekend. The Children’s Health Andrews Institute for Orthopedics is a new facility in Plano, TX, and it is gorgeous. It’s a relationship between Children’s Health and Dr. James Andrews, and the facility has physical therapy, EXOS Sports Performance, and is state of the art. Thank you to Alex Lopez, Brittani Cookinham, and Stephen Laplante for their hospitality and all the set up they did for us.

Myokinematic Restoration - Plano Tx - Postural Restoration Institute

We had a great group of mostly first-timers to the science of PRI. And we had a great diverse crowd of athletic trainers, strength and conditioning specialists, and physical therapist/PTA’s. We even had one Physician Assistant.

Myokinematic Restoration Course - Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)

Myokinematic Restoration provides a great foundational platform that allows us to explore the mechanical ramifications surrounding the hip and pelvis as a result of the dominant L AIC pattern. We were able to relate normal positional mechanics and normal compensatory patterns that occur as a result of the right diaphragm’s influence on the L AIC pattern. After that foundation, moving into pathology and Myokinematic relationships that exist due to the pattern became an exploration of polyarticular chains of muscles. These concepts allowed us to build our assessment and treatment framework for the rest of the weekend.

Myokinematic Restoration Course - Postural Restoration Institute (PRI)

I greatly appreciate John Key and Katrina Earley for allowing us to learn from them during our demonstrations. There were so many great questions during the weekend, and I appreciate Paul Monje, Rayanne Garcia, Michael Wright, Joni Robertson, Andrew Gallucci, and Meka Venkatanaresh for their enthusiasm and re-states. And a special thank you to Kasey Aikin, PRC for her help assisting throughout the weekend! I thoroughly enjoyed my weekend in The Lone Star state, and the course attendees were a huge reason why. I am looking forward to seeing many of you in future PRI courses!