Myokinematic Restoration – Reading, PA – Review

"October 14th and the skies were gray, a rainy day in Reading, PA that was perfect to perturb some paradigms around the power of a pattern. We mined the pattern’s positional influence setting the stage for the task at hand and ending our day with a repositioning plan.

Day two dawned appropriately repositioned, the sun shining down elevating our condition. An earnest query session kicked off the day and made this instructor excited by the interplay.  

Focused and engaged, we delved into the test designed to guide our retraining the best. With the Hruska Adduction Lift Test leading the way, we endeavored to find and to feel the myo-ingredients that would progress the scores so we can all own our floors."

A big thank you to everyone who joined me this past weekend and did such an impressive job of focusing and working to apply and experience the material, and most importantly, asking questions that facilitated a clearer and deeper appreciation of the content. I would encourage all of you to embrace the uncertainty and discomfort that invariably accompanies new paradigm’s and know that this is a sure sign of growth.  

A big thank you to Frank Mallon, DPT, PRC for driving up from Philly both days to assist in lab and adding to our discussions, his presence was such a boon to our group!
Thank you to Alliance Fitness Center and Collin McGee for hosting and making sure we had what was needed for the success of our weekend.