Newly Released Article – “The Origin and Development of Malocclusions”

Ron recently read this excellent article in the spring 2013 issue of the International Journal of Orthodontics. This article has been added to the reference material for the Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course, and Ron utilized it when discussing the importance of the tongue in this past weekend’s course in Cary, NC.

To give you some insight of this article, here is one of the (many) sentences that Ron highlighted when reading this article:
“Every dentist needs to know what has caused the malocclusion that he is going to treat. In other words, one has to know the muscles, structures, attachments, forces, balances, imbalances, resting and swallowing tongue positions.”

This article is an excellent read for anyone interested in Postural Restoration and integrating with dentists or orthodontists in their community. As Ron mentions in the Cervical-Cranio-Mandibular Restoration course, the tongue is the best orthotic we have. This article discusses in depth tongue resting position and tongue swallowing positions and how the tongue influences the development of malocclusions.

Loudon, ME. The origin and development of malocclusions. When, where and how dental malocclusions develop. Int. J. Orthodontics. 2013; 24(1):57-65.

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