Earlier this month, we hosted our first Non-Manual Techniques Workshop with 42 attendees from across the US, and several different countries gathered in Lincoln to learn more about the intricacies and details of the PRI Non-Manual Techniques developed by Ron Hruska. The first 5 hours or so, Ron spent time discussing key concepts related to positioning, reference centers, and the organization of the Non-Manual Techniques programs. This then allowed us to then dive into several techniques (approximately 15) in great detail, and get Ron’s input on set up, performance, cueing, modification, types of patients the technique is good for, and more. For each technique, Ron had an attendee demonstrate, while he provided tips on performance and modification. The workshop was a huge success and based on the feedback from the attendees, it is something we plan to host twice next year in Lincoln. We have had several requests others wanting to host this workshop, however due to nature of how the workshop is organized and run, the set up at the Institute is best, where I can assist Ron in pulling up techniques onto the screens as needed. Another fun thing about this workshop, is other than the first 5 hours, no two workshops will be the same! We thoroughly enjoyed the first go around, and look forward to next year!

A few testimonials from course attendees:
"I learned better ways of cuing patients (tactile/haptic) and more focus on reference centers to maximize patient ability to improve/progress more effectively and quickly."
"Awesome tools to progress or regress routine all within the same exercise!"
"Excellent!! Must do after 3 primary courses."