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2021 Summer Semester Class in Review

What an honor to be invited to teach PRI for a 6-week summer selective course at High Point University this past May-June to PT students in their third year!  A big “Thank You!” to the staff at HPU and especially to Dr. Dora Gosselin, PT, DPT, PCS, C/NDT, former student, and colleague of mine for the invitation!  Seventeen eager students chose this selective and did a fantastic job receiving the science. They asked thoughtful questions and provided helpful feedback at the course end.

In six 4-hour classes, we were able to get through the concepts of Asymmetrical Human Design, Respiratory Zone of Apposition (ZOA), Neutrality, Right-Sided Dominance, Alternation, Respiration, Lateralization, and an Introduction to Scoliosis. We tackled 9 PRI tests and 15 non-manual techniques in 8 hours of lab.  We ended with 2 assignments to give them an opportunity to explore and apply the science of PRI.  They dove into the literature to see if they could find, review, and then present an article that compared the right side to the left side of the human body in any area of PT.  Then, they applied their new knowledge by performing 3 PRI tests and 3 non-manual techniques followed by PRI re-testing to identify changes to a human body of their choice.  These two projects/class presentations served to be learning experiences from which we all benefitted.

I was very lucky and grateful to have the incomparable Dr. Jennifer Smart as a lab TA with me on non-manual technique day!  The students’ learning experience was audibly enriched by her presence! Thank you, Jen!

Finally, thank you to Ron Hruska and Jen Platt, founder, and executive director, respectively, and the Board of Directors of the Institute for allowing me to use PRI materials for teaching, for their generous support, as well as for creating the science!

We are hopeful to be able to teach more students again next year!  Thanks again, Dr. Gosselin and staff, for welcoming me into your state-of-the-art technology classroom fully equipped with treatment tables and anything else an instructor could want!  What an awesome experience!

Although Ron thought this year’s symposium was going to be the last symposium of this kind, his heart has been tugged to do yet another. It wasn’t more than 3 days after we wrapped up this year’s symposium in April, that we had the wonderful opportunity to sit on a video conference call with Dr. James Carlson. Dr. Carlson is a retired dentist, and Ron has admired his work for many years. You might recall some references to his first book, “Physiologic Occlusion” in some of our secondary and tertiary courses. Well, as a result of that conference call a few months ago, we knew we had to do one more symposium and thus we have invited Dr. Carlson to present at our 2022 Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium, which will be titled “The Stomatognathic System – An Interdisciplinary Approach in the Management of Spatial Navigation and Structural Strength”. More information will be coming in the next few months!

But for now, be sure to SAVE THE DATE for April 21-22, 2022!

In addition to inviting Dr. Carlson to be our featured speaker for next year’s symposium, we are also now excited to be an official retailer for two of the books that he has authored, which are wonderful supportive materials for a few PRI courses including Cervical Revolution, Occlusal Cervical Restoration and this upcoming 2022 Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium. There are so many great illustrations and figures in these two books, each of which is 200+ pages. These books are now available for purchase on-site at the Institute, and they can also be ordered by phone (888.691.4583), or by completing this order form and emailing it too us at

James Carlson Physiologic Occlusion

We are excited to introduce and congratulate our second Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) Class of this year! Every 3rd year, we offer the option of a summer testing program, in addition to the annual PRT testing dates that are held each January. This summer testing program was rescheduled from last year due to the COVID pandemic, so a few of these individuals have waited an extra year for this opportunity. PRT is the result of completing multiple advanced PRI courses, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the science through completion of the PRT application, and successfully participating in practical and analytical testing. This past weekend, four professionals earned the designation of Postural Restoration Trained (PRT) under the direction of Ron Hruska, Jason Masek and Jennifer Platt.

The Postural Restoration Institute® established this credentialing process in 2011 as a way to recognize and identify individuals with advanced training, extraordinary interest and devotion to the science of postural adaptations, asymmetrical patterns and the influence of polyarticular chains of muscles on the human body as defined by the Postural Restoration Institute®. The PRT credential is available to Athletic Trainers (with Certification through the BOC), Athletic Therapists (with Certification through the CATA), Strength and Conditioning Coaches (with CSCS Certification through the NSCA or SCCC Certification through the CSCCa), Certified Special Population Specialist (with CSPS Certification through the NSCA, and completion of a Bachelor’s degree or higher degree), and Exercise Physiologists (with Certification through the ACSM) who have completed the course requirements, application and testing process. With the addition of this class, there are now 63 PRT professionals throughout the U.S and Internationally.

Back Row (L to R): Jon Sanderson, Crystal Thomas, Steve Lintern, Jason Masek
Front Row (L to R): Ron Hruska, Andrew Xenophontos, Jennifer Platt

To view the full photo album CLICK HERE!

The Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy & Wellness has an immediate job opening for:



The Cantrell Center for Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine is a physical therapist-owned private practice and has been serving Middle Georgia for over 29 years. A Certified Postural Restoration Center since 2008, we’re proud to employee clinicians who have a passion for the science and value our one-on-one approach to patient care. We are currently looking to hire a Physical Therapist for our booming practice!

We currently have 2 Postural Restoration Certified (PRC) clinicians in the clinic making us highly sought after by our referring physicians, our patients, and wellness members.  We often have patients who travel out of town and even out of state to come to the Cantrell Center as we are the only Postural Restoration Certified Facility in the state of Georgia.

Located in Warner Robins, Georgia, the Cantrell Center is located in the Middle of the state! Just a quick drive to Atlanta or the beach, Warner Robins offers convenience to any interest without the crime rate and elevated costs of a larger city.  Visit the website of Robins Regional Chamber for more information about the city of Warner Robins.

What makes The Cantrell Center a great place to work?
At the Cantrell Center, patient care is paramount and each team member’s gifts and experiences blend to create an atmosphere of integrity and encouragement. As part of our team, you will work side-by-side with like-minded and dedicated colleagues, while enjoying the opportunity to build your own career.


•    Sign On Bonus

•    Unique & competitive salary and generous benefits package

•    Commitment to clinical excellence

•    Team atmosphere

•    Constant training and learning

•    An excellent mentoring program for new hires – especially for new grads

CLICK HERE for more details about this position.

To learn more about why our staff of 30+ calls the Cantrell Center “home”, connect with us online:
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•    Learn about our Annual Cantrell Center 5K & Fun Run

If you’re interested in joining our team, please send your resume to

This workshop was a first for Jen Platt and I. Opening the workshop with discussion on corollary consequence, correspondence and compensation allowed us to “look” at the top-down influences of PRI Corollary Movement in each of the 12 secondary and tertiary techniques that Jen chose for us to cover. She did a great job in organizing these techniques, laying them out and selecting techniques that offered the attendee a wide perspective of application. Normally, we do not list testimonials after a course.  (You can find testimonials by courses by going to the ‘Programs and Courses’ site on our website).  However, after reading the feedback that Hannah compiled, I felt it would be helpful for those who may be interested in taking this course in the future, as well as to read what the ‘first-time’ attendees had to say about it.

 “I have already listened to at least 60% of the course material. I cannot tell you how much it helps to have the content available to go over again. This course put so many things together in regard to patterning. There were so many lightbulb moments into why things may fall apart for the patient at home with their exercise program because of the brain influence in regard to patterning. The word sense is so different than finding and feeling. Sensing something different in the body especially when sensing one thing can help the patient sense another area is HUGE in regard to making a program successful. Walking away from this course has had one of the most dramatic effects on putting the whole picture together, especially with the ability to go back and review it again. I hope that you can continue to offer the courses on zoom. I also wonder if any of the other recorded courses that were offered through zoom could ever be available as a take home course. It is nice to have that available as an option. Also wondering if Ron was ever going to put all the 33 corollary exercises together now that we understand the corollaries. I know that the other exercises are from other courses but we never had the corollaries with them. Thank you again for everything you all do!!!!”

“This course will allow me to progress all of my clients over the coming months and was a fantastic guide in sensory integration that I felt was a missing puzzle piece.”

“I have learned it in neuroanatomy but only in an abstract manner – now it becomes more meaningful for my work. Thanks!”

“I’ve always known the importance of multi sensory "sense", but this took my understanding a step further for sure”

“It feels like this course was a missing puzzle piece in my application. This made it much more straightforward to progress and cue clients”

“1. Greater confidence with technique selection 2. Deeper understanding & appreciation re: critiquing and cueing for a clients understanding of both positional and integrative sense”

“This course material will likely allow me help clients move to a higher level of motor learning much more efficiently and with less cognitive load (corollaries > references) especially in a fitness setting, but obviously also with rehab clients.”

“This is one of the MOST relevant courses offered by PRI to my area of practice in my opinion, moving away from more "attention intensive" movement practices towards integrated sense of corollaries will allow all of my clients, from pro athlete to rehab, to experience and sense the task at hand rather than trying to juggle a more cueing intensive task.”

“Thank you again for supporting the growth of PRI nation. We love you and this course was fantastic. When entering a black hole, one needs a guide named Ron Hruska. I can feel the effort, the labor of love, the hard work that has been put into this course (and all other courses). Thank you PRI team for continuing to lead the way. You inspire me to be better. Much love from Alpine PT in Seattle.”

I could not give this course, the way it was presented, without the direct input, production, and guidance that Jen provide both me and the audience. So grateful for her many roles she plays in this Institute, but now, because we know each other so well and the overall intent so well, the delivery and message is seamless, sincere and solid. This truly was the Institute’s first multisensory movement workshop that reflected the strength of the corollary movement sense needed for natural cognitive processing built around vestibular-ocular reflexive correlations. We also could not have made this workshop the ‘virtual reality’ workshop it was without the live presence of Amy Morris, PT, Phil DeNigris, CSCS, Rua Gilna, CPT, SFG1, PN1, and Dave Drummer, DPT, PRC. Their patience with my Socratic style of teaching and their willingness to objectively communicate what they felt, sensed, experienced and struggled with made multi-dimensional processing understandable and appreciable.

Thank you again for coming to Lincoln and participate in the manner in which each and every one of you did.  

I really do not believe there is any non-PRI course that introduces and integrates the right brain with the left brain for forward movement, forward based anticipation, forward hemispheric automaticity, and forward movement dependency on patterned lateralized sense of flow, developed around the visual system, hemi-chest cavities, upper and lower extremities, like this one. I take in consideration the primary course references, as the Forward Locomotor Clinical Corollaries are considered, in the selection of one of ten eccentric left hamstring or right quadricep bi-hemispheric PRI techniques that are considered for forward locomotor movement (FLM) efficiency.
Simply put, I hope that those who attended this tertiary course will be able to preserve forward propulsion through panoptic imagery and cortical documentation, chest decompression and cortical documentation, upper extremity lift and cortical documentation, and lower extremity push and cortical documentation, with those who are having difficulty recognizing exchange from these bi-hemispheric senses. My exasperation of “Please write this down, even if it’s only in your head”, is my way of saying “please sense these cortical documentary journaling” that are required for left hemispheric functional logic and right hemispheric gestalt, structured around these four FLM components.

Forward Locomotor Movement, PRI Gait Cycle, Gait, Postural Restoration Tertiary Course, Ron Hruska

It was a wonderful two days of exchange between 50 plus attendees. And I enjoyed every minute talking about the facts behind limb movement and pendular displacement that’s necessary for us to ‘walk”.
As I write this today, my seventh grandchild and my first granddaughter, Vivien walked for her first time, ten complete FLM cycles, without support. The video makes her grandfather smile because her 13-month-old brain and body, represents the human lateralized hemispheric components of forward movement that gives her the intra personal and inter personal gifts of life she will use to perfect her FLM personality and patterned pendular print. She felt flow, freedom, fun and fifial love.

In April, we were honored to have Neal Hallinan, CSCS, LMT, PRT present at our Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium, and one of his presentations was titled “Inhibiting Inhibitions: Rediscovering Your Innate Alternating Rhythms Through Dance“. We had a great time learning how to find ‘the beat’, and overcome inhibitions that might hold us back from getting in touch with the natural rhythms of the body through dance. Much of what you do with your patients or clients’ PRI program can also be integrated through dance, and there is no one close to this Institute that has experienced this more than Neal! His extensive background with Latin dance, combined with his personal and professional experience with PRI has enhanced his knowledge and understanding of both worlds, and how to integrate dance and PRI together. His presentation, and brief dance instruction was so much fun and enlightening, and enjoyed by those in attendance at the symposium, that we have invited Neal to partner with us and present a free online 3 week dance instructional series for PRINation this summer.

All are invited, including PRI providers (regardless of whether you attended the symposium in April), patients, clients, family members, etc. If you know someone who you think would enjoy this (or someone who NEEDS to get outside of their comfort zone and experience this), please invite them. Remember, there is nothing better for your patients, clients or athletes than to experience something new, something they are not familiar with, and something they are not comfortable with. The brain needs this type of activity. No dance experience is necessary, as Neal is excellent at working with beginners. So, whether you love to dance, or not so much, we invite you to join us for this wonderful opportunity to get in touch with the natural alternating rhythms of your body through dance!

Week 1: Beat and Feet (Tuesday, June 15th)
In the first session, we will begin by listening to music and hearing why some songs are good for rhythmic alternation while others are not. The majority of the class will focus on learning fundamental patterns of dance footwork that can be utilized to enhance PRI program outcomes.

Week 2: Arms (Tuesday, June 22nd)
Learning feet and beat are the easiest part of dancing. Upper body movement, particularly arm and hand movements, are the hardest. This hour will be devoted to adding arm styling to the footwork you learned in the first class. You’ll definitely want to know the footwork from Week 1 before taking this class.

Week 3: Styling (Tuesday, June 29th)
People may feel “stiff” and “awkward” while dancing because they never learned how to move their body in a fluid manner. While dancing and forward locomotion aren’t exactly the same thing, forward locomotion mechanics are directly applicable to body styling that makes dancing look smooth and effortless. Latin Motion, a unique movement of the hips and ribcage found in Salsa and usable in many other forms of dance, will be demonstrated and taught, as will the mechanics of turning and spinning.

The annual PRI Credentialing Scholarship application deadline is June 15th! This $2000 full scholarship is available to candidates who may otherwise be dissuaded from applying for PRC or PRT credentialing solely by their current financial circumstances. To apply, please submit a scholarship essay sharing your story, your current professional situation, and why you feel you are deserving of the scholarship. Essays can be emailed to Jennifer Platt at All essays will be reviewed by the PRI Board of Directors and the scholarship recipient will be notified by July 15th. If the recipient of the $2000 full scholarship does not accept the scholarship and complete the credentialing application and testing within the year, the scholarship will be awarded to an alternate. Depending on the number of applications each year, the Board of Directors may choose to select more than one scholarship recipient.

If you have any questions with the PRI Credentialing Scholarship, or any questions with the PRC or PRT credentialing process in general, please contact me!

The "flagship" course in PRI is Postural Respiration because how and where air enters our body facilitates how the rest of the body performs. This is a very dense course with a lot of research and neurology behind the musculoskeletal ramifications of faulty airflow patterns. The huge advantage this live-stream course provided is the ability of the course attendee to go back and listen to the course material again for two weeks. We were fortunate to have a few in-person attendees as well as many on-line live streaming attendees.

I’ve had the pleasure of teaching via live-stream several times since March of last year. However, this was the first course I’ve taught that had a lab component since November 2019. It was very rewarding and refreshing to have the opportunity to interact with in-person humans again during a PRI course. I have missed the human interaction while teaching PRI. I know that all of the PRI faculty feel the exact same way; Ron probably more than any of us. It was a very enjoyable experience.

90-90 Hip Lift, Postural Restoration, Postural Respiration

We were able to dive deep into the neurological ramifications of human asymmetry, the potential role of dynamic respiration, and the potential negative affects of patterned respiration. Once we were able to fully delve into neurology of respiration, the AIC and BC patterns relative to respiration became a more fluid learning experience. The discussion around the left diaphragm’s need for a team of muscles to assist in its endeavor to perform inhalation as well as the rib and sternal mechanics behind trunk rotation were topics of conversation that provided lively questions and conversation. These conversations permitted a deeper explanation into how and why Superior T4 Syndrome develops, as well as how to assess and manage it.  

The goal was to provide the attendee as much information as possible without overwhelming the new-to-PRI attendee. This opportunity is afforded to us by the live-stream event. With time to go back and listen to the information to help digest and understand topics that may be challenging or difficult, we are able to go a little deeper and a little faster into these concepts.


This course is different and has evolved over the last few years. If you haven’t attended Postural Respiration in the past, or haven’t attended in a while, I would recommend finding a way, sooner than later, doing so because of the many upgrades to this "flagship" course.

We all know someone who experience difficulties with simple movements and at the same time can move or carry out, what appears to be more complex movements easily. This phenomenon of ‘Kinesia Paradoxa’ is one that is often seen with individuals who have been diagnosed with a basal ganglia disease called Parkinson’s Disease. However, by studying basal ganglia diseases we can learn so much about the precursors and the stages of this disease and its developmental patterns and symptomology. I believe, I have been on a journey of researching coupling and identifying similarities in people who have oscillator conflict at the caudate nucleus and putamen or dorsal striatum, at the subthalamic nucleus, at the globus pallidus, and at the substantial nigra pars reticulata, and didn’t really know it. For this is where the majority of our paradoxical function really begins, is initiated and looped. For these are the areas that make up the basal ganglia. Ganglia that reflect the parts of the brain that are not often even thought about, when sequencing steps in a “exercise”, or movement technique.

I always enjoy the amount of time, energy, thought and ideas that go into these PRI Symposiums. Ideas, that flow far in advance of the actual delivery of material and madness. I love every moment of these preparatory mental madness moments. Because that is what is exactly going on in our basal ganglia. Frenzied, chaotic, pandemonium mayhem, that can lead to periods of deranged decisions or a flow of indiscreet ideas. It’s the latter that we would never experience if we were controlled by frequencies of neuro-synapses that didn’t loop with other unfamiliar neuroreceptors, once in a while; like every 10 milliseconds.

Ron Hruska, Basal Ganglia Disease, Annual Symposium, Parkinson's Disease

Click HERE to view the full photo album.

There is a fine line between sanity and conflict. I personally need both in my life, and I am fairly certain you do too. Jennifer Smart DPT, PRC, Neal Hallinan CSCS, LMT, PRT and myself put a manual together, delivered content, and digressed into areas that reflect ideology of some of our most important ganglia we have. We enjoyed the time together in this presentation of ideas, in the preparation of ideas, and in the exchange of ideas that will hopefully strengthen the balance of movement associated with asymmetrical sanity and movement associated with symmetrical conflict. We, the speakers, learned so much from each other and the science that actually does support our zaniness and Zen-like ideas, all because of our respect for life’s paradoxes.

Here are a few of the comments we received from the class participants/attendees:

“Yes the material outlined "bigger picture" neurological influences on all humans that manifest as pathology in some. All people will benefit from this mindset of looking at human neurological function.”

“Love that these symposiums build on prior knowledge and become useful not as cookbook ways of treating patients but as ways to understand human behavior and provide frameworks to improve outcomes for all humans.”

“It brought the new perspective in how I look at Parkinsons and how big Inhibition is!”

“Just one fun thing. I was talking to my almost 91 year old mother who now uses a Rollator and she was asking about a stand up walker the night the course ended. Her next statement was funny (no knowledge of the course) and she said that the main thing she missed in her walking was "swinging her arms". I went down and worked with her with swinging hiking sticks in her hands (except I was using 2 reachers) and progressed her to using a trowel and hand clippers and she walked about 60 feet 4 times (back and forth in her driveway) unassisted and non stop. Cannot express how much fun it was to give her some freedom (she still loves to garden). Thank you all for a fantastic event as always. It is great to be able to go back an implement changes in my patients.”

“It felt balanced between the three presenters. I felt that Jennifer utilized her time the best, she did a good job of communicating her work, her experience, research, and I am grateful for her efforts. All presenters did an excellent job. Ron helped me to appreciate the basal ganglia, I really had never thought about this part of the brain in my day to day life and now it is imprinted. Neal was very engaging and enthusiastic, His passion moved me to appreciate dance and rhythm in a whole new way.”

“This Symposium was over flowing with important information about a new way of thinking for working with all our patients or clients, not just those with Parkinson’s disease.”

“This was a great course to expand my knowledge of Basal Ganglia disease and treatment options. I have been certified in the LSVT BIG program for years but would also like to branch out and have other options for my patients. This course gave me lots of ideas”

The last comment above summarizes our basal ganglia’s ability to keep us resonating with bombardment of relaying information that allow us to flow with “lots of ideas” that are recognized and required for satisfactory frontal cortex creativity. And if we don’t occasionally fulfill our dopaminergic ideas, that we create, generate and plan, we may just be laying down the framework for future unplanned kinesia paradoxa, that we want to avoid.

Earlier this month, I was in Fort Collins, CO teaching Pelvis Restoration after 14 months out of the faculty circuit. For many reasons that will prove impossible to come close to articulating here, this course in review proved difficult to concisely write. These past two years, objectively, I have lost a lot—a child to disease, a dear co-worker to miscommunication, contact with a dear friend and colleague to culture, contact with another dear friend and colleague to a series of business casualties…to name a few. I mention these losses because I am certain this same window has been uniquely difficult year for most everyone reading this, regardless of where you find yourself. I’m sorry for each of your losses, yet very much hopeful.

Just through that window, I take heart, because I am confident that all of these losses are temporary, and will prove to be blessings, each in their own way, though I may not understand how presently. For certain, goodness was found in Fort Collins!  It is also difficult to encapsulate how thankful I am for my good, longtime friend and colleague Craig Depperschmidt, a 2012 PRC graduate and PRI hub in Colorado, to have welcomed me back to Fort Collins with undeserving hospitality. It was tremendous working with newer friends Brian Benjamin, who served tremendously as host site coordinator, as well as Rachel Kroncke, Sara Truelsen, and Ruth Waller-Liddle in the ProActive PT Center family who welcomed PRI and me into their work home fully. Thank you each so much for your warm welcome!

Pelvis Restoration course on asymetrical pelvic influence

Pelvis Restoration course on asymetrical influences of the pelvis

The course was akin to being back on one’s favorite horse—saddle and content were true and just as they should be. Many thanks to Matthew McLaughlin for great discussion during the course and during break times. Thank you to Jason Huang, Ryan LaFountaine, Jessica Robinson, Cristi Cuellar and multiple others for your help with demonstration during lab sessions as we explored the many facets of this primary course about a pelvic inlet and outlet. Many interactions during both lecture and lab about clinical application hopefully proved beneficial to experienced veteran course participants and to the six-pack of those new to the science of PRI. This instructor enjoyed the respectful and vigorous participation from the class as we discussed optimizing neuromechanical position and triplanar control of hemipelvic inlets and outlets in order to allow alternating integrated function of synchronized ipsilateral pelvic and thoracic diaphraghms. Thank you all from ProActive PT and PRI who made this course possible once again, it really was and is good to be back!

This past week, at our Annual Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium, we presented the PRI Director’s Dedication Award to two very deserving individuals who not only were very instrumental in this year’s symposium, but they have had a tremendous impact on our Institute over the years, and we have no doubt that they will continue to represent our Institute in the highest regard for many years to come. It was an easy decision to present this award to Jennifer Smart and Neal Hallinan. The PRI Director’s Dedication Award was established by the Board of Directors (Ron Hruska, Janie Ebmeier, Jennifer Platt and Bobbie Rappl) in 2012 to recognize individuals’ ongoing dedication to their advancement in PRI.

Past PRI Director’s Dedication Award recipients include: Susan Henning and Joe Belding (December 2012); Kyndall Boyle and James Anderson (April 2014); Michael Cantrell (December 2014); Jason Masek (April 2015); Michal Niedzielski (December 2015); Jennifer Poulin and Lori Thomsen (April 2017); Kentaro Ishii and Sayuri Abe-Hiraishi (December 2017); and Dan Houglum, Donna Parise Byrne & Josh Olinick (April 2019). An award recognition plaque, which is pictured above, is displayed at the Postural Restoration Institute® in Lincoln, Nebraska, recognizing each of the PRI Directors Dedication Award recipients.

Jennifer Smart is a Physical Therapist in Oriental, North Carolina, a town of approximately 900 people located on Neuse River which leads out to the Atlantic Ocean. Jen received her bachelors of physical therapy degree from the University of Maryland, and her doctorate of physical therapy degree from the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. She took her first PRI course in 2012, and completed PRC credentialing in 2015. Over the years, she has continued to immerse herself in the science of Postural Restoration® for the benefit of her patients, having completed 32 PRI courses. Over the past 3 years especially, Ron and Jen have been on a wave length of their own as they have spent copious hours preparing for this symposium, and I know that Ron has learned so much from Jen and her clinical experience working daily with patients who have been diagnosed with basal ganglia disease. I can honestly say that they have easily exchanged more than 100 email conversation threads, and I know that Ron has thoroughly enjoyed every one of them. I have no doubt that the breadth of knowledge that has resulted from this symposium will continue to grow, as the Institute becomes more relative in the prevention and management of neurological degenerative conditions. Many of you were able to see her passion as she presented at this symposium, and hopefully you whole-heartedly agreed with us that she was so deserving of this award!

Neal Hallinan is a certified strength and conditioning specialist and licensed massage therapist in New Jersey, just outside of New York City. To many, he might be known as “The PRI Trainer”, which has come through his website, podcasts and many YouTube videos. Neal attended his first PRI course in 2013, and he completed PRT credentialing in 2017. And he didn’t stop there. Over the years, Neal has completed 27 PRI courses. Neal’s personal journey and experience with PRI changed his career, and he will even say it changed his life. Through his passion to share his journey and experience with PRI both personally and as a movement specialist offering online coaching, he has easily touched 1,000’s across the country and internationally. There isn’t a week that goes by where one of us in this office doesn’t talk to someone who heard about PRI through Neal Hallinan’s website or videos. I am sure you have all heard patients or clients bring up his name as well! We not only were honored to have had Neal involved with this symposium, but we are so honored to have him represent this Institute as he continues to impact other’s lives through his nature of educating and coaching. We have no doubt that he will continue to help people discover their innate alternating rhythms through movement and dance for many years to come, and we were incredibly honored to present Neal Hallinan with the PRI Director’s Dedication Award.

Congratulations to both Jen and Neal! We are so honored and proud to know you and have you associated with our Institute!