Paradigm Shifts – 2022 Interdisciplinary Integration Symposium – Review

The skepticism I had 42 years ago, as I graduated from a Physical Therapy program, regarding models of education and health care practice remains with me today. I pursued a Masters in Public Administration to learn how cities, administrations, etc. collaborate and communicate for the benefit of the inhabitant. I learned a lot about business, how the top of the pyramid develops and what paradigms, courageously were successfully encountered and embraced.

When I read the forward of Dr. James Calson’s book ‘ Physiologic Occlusion’ I remember thinking about his comments about “societies” and how much I agreed with his philosophies. He wrote, “Dental societies, associations, foundations, and academies sponsor journals and other publications for the dissemination of scientific articles to the dental community. It is interesting to me that all are accompanied by length bibliographies. I wonder who wrote the first dental paper and what the bibliography included.  Sometimes it seems that authors are compelled to have large bibliographies to satisfy the critics and skeptics of new and compelling information. Could it be that they are afraid to ‘stand alone’? Afraid that they won’t be accepted on the merits of their own work? Afraid to say anything that is not based upon the work of others who are already accepted and respected in the dental community? I may be wrong in that assumption, but I don’t think so. Copernicus, Einstein, Columbus, Leonardo da Vinci, and many others challenged the current thinking of their age, and today we live with the benefits of their Paradigm Shift.”

Having the opportunity to share and discuss my thinking regarding the Stomatognathic System with someone whom I have always considered a silent mentor, for so many reasons, is truly an honor. This opportunity, probably will not come again in our lifetimes, and for that reason alone, I am so grateful. Dr. Carlson is a giant when it comes to education and paradigm shifts.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – His good, pleasing, and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2)

– Ron Hruska

Someone once said, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” So, it is with those of us who are “students” including me. For almost 30 years I have been traveling from home, both here and abroad, to many countries around the earth to share what I have learned to be true. In so doing, I have met several hundreds of people most of whom have been kind and hospitable including everyone at PRI with Ron, Jason, Jennifer, and RJ being tops on my list.

I was also most impressed by the level of the content of all the information that Ron and Jason presented.
My “world of dentistry” would be wise to listen to the knowledge and information that is being presented in all of your programs.
That might just make a difference between “knowing and guessing.”

– Dr. James Carlson

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