Pelvis Restoration at the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers Convention (PHATS)

This past week I had the opportunity to lab assist with Pelvis Restoration and have a booth at the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers (PHATS) Annual Convention. It was a joy talking and meeting so many Athletic Trainers and strength coaches from multiple divisions of professional and college hockey. Your passion and energy was visible in the course, I had so much fun helping out with lab and getting to learn more about hockey and all of you!

Matt Hornung, ATC

Below is Jesse’s course in review:

Hey PRI nation!

Midweek last week I enjoyed the opportunity to visit the largest Marriott hotel in the world to teach Pelvis Restoration to a group of engaged professionals at the Professional Hockey Athletic Trainers Society/Society of Professional Hockey Equipment Managers’ annual gathering in Orlando, FL. Thank you Anita Ramsay and the Orlando World Center Marriott staff for organizing the event, and to each of what was likely many people involved within the PHATS/SPHEM group for arranging the amenities and host site.

In a room filled predominantly with highly trained ATC’s and a host of other professional hockey specialties including LMT’s, NHL spotters, and strength coaches focused on intervention in the professional hockey realm, the day began with a discussion of how to integrate PRI principles of Pelvis Restoration into practice by discussing how the pubosacral ring is affected by normal asymmetry that often leads to positional dysfunction of a pelvic diaphragm and can potentially decrease athlete’s performance. Thank you Todd Daniels and others for spurring a thorough conversation about intervention pre and post competition early in the course to give us a functional application lean throughout. As we moved toward learning eight Pelvis Restoration objective tests that can be used to guide said pre and post competition intervention algorithms to add variability during and after play, course attendees participated in a discussion about Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) and how both acetabulofemoral (AF) and femoroacetabular (FA) position and harnessed pelvis movement ability can affect the varying types of FAI. Thank you Brent Woodside for your help with demonstration of how accentuated normal patterned position can affect asymmetrical beings, decrease performance and add risk. Special thanks to Seamus McKelvey for bringing the best Irish name and beard to the course–and congrats to Luis Alvarez for winning the Josh Olinick best hair award for this course.

As we moved to treatment, I was impressed by this group’s consistent focus during the many lab sessions dealing with objective tests, inhibitory repositioning technique practice and neurofacilitation program technique practice and discussion. Thank you Thomas "quick hands" Alva for your athletic prowess with the pelvis toss and attention to detailed questions about special testing that ensured course participants were able to apply information as quickly as possible in practice. Rockstars: From start to finish, PRC’s Connor Ryan and Megan Bollinger and ATC Matt Hornung from straight outa Lincoln were on point during this course, guiding lab groups through a plethora of lab learning opportunities with steak-like Pelvis Restoration course lab material. These three were A+ and integrated seamlessly into and out of lab demonstrations. You three killed it! Many thanks also to Andrew "bowling ball" Sachkiw, Elise "feisty" Nichols, Kristen Larsen, Tyler Stratton, Ryan Lewdon, Steve Ruhmel and more for your willingness to help with lab demonstrations of particular pelvis inlet and outlet inhibition and facilitation techniques and concepts for group learning through the course. Each of you were great!

During break times and after the course, I enjoyed the conversations with Emi Takahashi about her applied pelvis hockey research @ WSU, Kyle Moore about how to integrate Pelvis Restoration into practice and multiple others throughout the course about varying, relevant and pelvis restoration specific topics. Thank you Matthew Aiello and others for your varying senses of humor throughout the course, keeping the group light and yet tremendously attentive throughout.

I really enjoyed my stint in Orlando applying Pelvis Restoration with all of these fine hockey professionals from around the country!