Pelvis Restoration – Evanston, IL

It was great to be back in the Windy City teaching Pelvis Restoration.  Thank you Donna and Pilates Central for hosting us this past weekend. It was a weekend filled with new course attendees and others expanding their journey in PRI.  The “brain twists” this weekend:

  1. The pelvic diaphragm (floor) has a left and right side.
  2. Muscle don’t have origins and insertions, but rather attachment sites and can influence the position of bones.
  3. The frontal plane importance of our ability to move side to side.
  4. The concept of compression and decompression with position and airflow.
  5. How the pelvis influences the spine all the way up to the neck and all the way down to the foot and ankle.

The energy and enthusiasm for this science was high and the quest to learn more from these practitioners was astounding.

Thank you for the gift of time and allowing me to teach.

– Lori Thomsen