Pelvis Restoration – Lima, OH – Course in Review

Lima, Ohio. Home of the KewPee Burger!

This weekend I travelled to Lima Ohio to teach my last course of 2019. It is not the easiest site to get to, but it was so worth the effort. This course had 18 attendees of varying backgrounds. It’s nice to teach to a group of professionals with different perspectives. There were PT’s, PTA’s, Chiropractic Physicians, Athletic Trainers, Strength Coaches and a Pilates Instructor.  

We spent the weekend discussing optimizing patterns, breathing and compensations of the Pelvic girdle as they relate to frontal plane control of Inlets and Outlets. Most of the attendees were new to the science so teaching this integrated introductory course allows us to explore the integration of thoracic diaphragmatic breathing with Pelvis respiration to balance posture and gait.  Pelvis Restoration is known for its complex acronyms. I tried to move away from overuse of acronyms, and discussed proper position of inlets and outlets during upright function. I think this helped the new learner shift their perspective from orthopeadic thinking to the neurologic ANS control of patterns.

On Sunday, “Treatment Day!”, we discussed a pathway for treatment of the L AIC, PEC and the  Patho PEC patterned individual. We explored the triplanar position of the iliacus as it relates to swing and stance and sacro-iliac dysfunction. This is always an awesome opportunity to bring concepts of inhibition and activation of the same muscle in different planes of movement. This course allows me to dive deep into rabbit roles of pelvic respiration and thoracic diaphragm position. We had a great time integrating breathing throughout the weekend. By Sunday afternoon, the light bulbs were going off as were the “Ah-Ha” moments.

I enjoyed the banter with both Jason Russell, DC and Nick Goins, DC throughout the weekend. They were my Glut Gait guys! Jason, be nicer to Nick!
Carri Baumback, PT took her first course 10 years ago with Ron and brought her co-worker and friend Cynthia Nieberding, PT. It was great having them in the front row, not afraid to ask questions! Next time we have dinner ladies!

Alex Maag and his staff took very good care of me and our class. The interest in PRI in that great state of Ohio is growing. I look forward to seeing these clinicians grow and develop their PRI knowledge.

“When you go to Lima, you eat a KewPee Burger and rub the babies belly” – James Anderson
Well, I ate the burger but couldn’t reach the belly. Next time…..