Pelvis Restoration – Lincoln, NE – Review

It was a wonderful two days teaching Pelvis Restoration from "home." at the Postural Restoration Institute. Thank you, RJ, for your amazing tech skills and assisting with setting up. Hayley you were a fabulous lab assistant, and I appreciated your insight and clinical experience and tips you shared with the class.

The course attendees were fabulous. I loved their eagerness to learn and think outside the box with the science of PRI. Fifty percent of the class were attending their first course. I remember attending my first PRI class and how overwhelming it was to learn about patterns, asymmetry, and the power of respiration. Once I started seeing the results in the clinic and seeing the patterns, I didn’t look back only forward in the PRI journey. I hope this is the same for all of you.

Learning about the pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet with four quadrants each is a lot to learn for position, muscle facilitation or inhibition. I assure you the clinic will be your best lab as you gain insight and knowledge as this information will resonate as you see it with your patients.

Thank you for spending two days with PRI. I was so grateful and humbled to spend it with such amazing clinicians.