Pelvis Restoration – Live Stream – Review

I enjoyed teaching from the Postural Restoration Institute and in my hometown, Lincoln, NE this past weekend.  I want to thank Alex, Carlos, Allison, Paul, Becky, Lee, and Jordan for attending in person and allowing me to demonstrate on you and to let your fellow colleagues learn from you during our lab time.  Also, a huge shout out to those in Zoom (too many names to list) for spending two days with me as well.  I thoroughly enjoyed teaching you all and appreciated the questions and participation.  

The Pelvis Restoration course goes into the weeds of AFIR (IPIR/IsPER) and AFER (IPER/IsPIR) positioning of the pelvic inlet and outlet.  It is a lot of information, but clinically it can be a game changer to assist your patients. The pelvis is like the foundation of your house—it’s positioning can affect the rest of the body.  The pelvis integrates the thorax and hip and foot/ankle, which allows our patients to be grounded and regulate airflow/pressure needed for forward movement.  The IO/TA’s, Glute Max, and Glute Med play in an important role with pelvic inlet positioning as the Hamstrings, I.C. Adductor, and Obturators for the pelvic outlet.  One course participant stated “this course connected so many dots for me.”  It was a wonderful weekend, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your PRI journey.

Lori Thomsen PRI Pelvis Restoration Live Stream Postural Restoration InstituteLori Thomsen PRI Pelvis Restoration Live Stream Postural Restoration InstituteLori Thomsen PRI Pelvis Restoration Live Stream Postural Restoration Institute