Pelvis Restoration – Macon, GA – Course in Review

Hello PRI nation! This past weekend’s trip to Georgia has reminded me of some of the many ways this Institute called PRI is exceptional. As has always been the case, every organization that is foundational and exceptional is so largely because of its people.

Mentor, friend, PRI faculty team member, and mayor of Mayberry, Mike “Hops” Cantrell, helped me feel at home at Fox Valley Farm in Georgia in more ways than I have room here to describe. The attentive, kind and graceful people who attended the course at Mercer University enjoyed learning and treated this instructor well, with excellent dialogue and focus during didactics and labs. The gentleman who helped set up the course so that we could teach, Mr. Amos Mansfield, enjoyed doing his part to spread the science of PRI to others. This instructor thoroughly enjoyed teaching the science of Pelvis Restoration in the great state of Georgia, as did another friend, mentor and exceptionally bold, popular PRI faculty team member The Jen Poulin (TJP), who came in to teach day two when I was unexpectedly called away. Jen was nothing short of an ace closer last weekend! Thank you Jason Robey for your sense of humor and for that one second pause.

Thank you Jeremy Fradin, Michael Finley, Joni Robertson and several more for your effort and assistance with demonstrations and labs. Thank you to the whole class for your kindness and attentiveness as we navigated Pelvis Restoration theory, terminology, objective tests, facilitation and inhibition strategies to ultimately oppose polyarticular patterns that present initially. There were many reasons for my being there–each of you!

Pelvis Restoration Mercer University Macon Georgia Postural Restoration Institute

Pelvis Restoration Mercer University Macon Georgia Postural Restoration Institute Jesse Ham

Pelvis Restoration Mercer University Macon Georgia Postural Restoration Institute Jen Poulin