Pelvis Restoration – Mill Creek, WA – Course in Review

Boy is was good to be back teaching a live course this year. It was food for my spirit to have human interaction and comradery. My fellow colleagues that attended this weekend’s Pelvis Restoration Course were also grateful to be attending a live course as well. We all needed it. We did it safely for our community and each other. We had four professionals attending their first PRI course and several were attending their 3rd course or more this weekend. I feel the class took away the value of the pelvic inlet and outlet positioning needed not only to achieve left stance and right swing, but the value of this positioning to integrate with the respiratory diaphragm in the thorax for the left and right sided hemi-pelvis’ to compress and decompress to allow for Forward Locomotor Movement. Having a smaller class size afforded more personalized lab time for PRI tests, techniques, and practice. It was a fun fun weekend to teach and to learn. Thank you IRG for hosting Pelvis Restoration in Mill Creek.