Pelvis Restoration – Munich, DE – Review

Wow! What an experience teaching in Munich, Germany. We had healthcare practitioners from over 10 different countries represented at the course this past weekend!!! Yes, you read that currently—10 different countries. Isn’t that amazing! What is even more impressive is that these individuals were learning Pelvis Restoration in a second language for them. One course participant told me that he had to re-learn anatomy from the English language as the translation was different for the muscles and bones. So unbelievable. It was a gift to have two days of learning and teaching and all of us being unified under the science of Postural Restoration.

I felt this group was “hungry” for more information and understanding with PRI. The energy was palpable. I greatly appreciated the lab assistance and PRI experience from Nadja and Tracy to assist me over the weekend as well.  The critical thinking, questions, and openness to the course concepts was fantastic. Thank you to this group for giving me grace with my hearing loss—I mis-pronounced names routinely and you were gracious to repeat your questions a time or two as well.

I had a wonderful time teaching and exploring the cultures in both Austria and Germany. We live in a beautiful world, and I am grateful to had gotten to explore more of it, but more importantly I was blessed to have gotten to teach and meet 38 Healthcare workers who have a passion to learn and undeniable compassion to assist their patients to reach their full health care potential and see that it’s possible with the science of PRI.

Thank you, Lindebergs Academy! You were gracious hosts.