Pelvis Restoration – New York, NY – Review

The Big Apple!!! What an amazing weekend with the NYC Marathon and fellow PRI enthusiasts. A big shout out to Yohei at Funcphysio Physical Therapy and his staff Yoshi, Kohei, Nidhi, and Emi for hosting this past weekend.  You all are amazing and gracious hosts. I thoroughly enjoyed "coaching" this group this past weekend. The desire to learn, think out of the box, and ability to have paradigm shifts allowed for great dialogue and questions. The science of PRI fosters critical thinking and creativity in treatment of our patients. I feel not only did the new attendees, but also participants that have already attended PRI courses have a real hunger to understand and learn what the tests are showing them to make decisions with selecting PRI techniques for clinical care. The three R’s were emphasized….RE-positioning to get a negative ADT test and inhibit muscle to enhance RE-training with muscle facilitation to allow the PADT and PART tests to go negative for a frontal plane pelvis so we can RE-store to alternate. Understanding of the Hruska Abduction Lift test to
assist PRI technique selection is THE play book!!!

It is a lot of information, but oh my, just like the Big Apple it can provide so many wonderful outcomes for your patients.