Pelvis Restoration – Newton, MA – Course in Review

I had a great time last weekend teaching Pelvis Restoration in Newton, MA. I had not taught a class since last year! It was great being able to spend more time with my daughter Madison before we sent her off to college. Yes, the rumors are all true, she is a Freshman at the University of Vermont! My alma mater! I guess you can take the girl out of VT, but she can always go back! So now it was time for me to get back to #PRINation and share my "pearls" of PRI wisdom. The class was a nice mix of new clinicians to PRI and some that were looking to refine their PRI interventions and concepts. Pelvis Restoration is one of the three intro courses that allows a more integrated discussion of respiration as it relates to the Pelvis and frontal plane control. This course is so much fun to teach! Pelvis allows the clinician to explore how a "Laga Gaga" Born this Way chain can cause our "inner Beyonce" to come out as we learn to stabilize left stance. Thanks so much to Donna Behr for being an amazing host and Anita Furbush, PRC for coming to help me during lab. Since then, I have been busy getting ready for the impending Hurricane. Please pray for the Carolinas as we prepare for Hurricane Florence to hit our sweet states.