Pelvis Restoration – Oakland, CA – Course in Review

Just returned from a trip to the beautiful bay area in Oakland, with gracious hosts Tim Appleford and Naomi Schambelan at Lafayette Physical Therapy. Thank you so much Tim, Naomi and your team for working through unpredictable variables to allow what turned out to be a tremendous course!

From the start, this crowd of diverse movement scientists from a variety of professions proved they were dialed into the science of PRI and Pelvis Restoration. We had a series of great discussions regarding the theory, science and rationale for why frontal plane control of the inlet and outlet of the pelvis is important for integrating a triplanar system together and developing patterns to oppose one of three categories of patterns that often lead clients to us in our varied settings.

Our lab demonstration and interactive discussion about eight special tests to assess pelvis position and specific need for intervention was a joy for this instructor and for our ace lab assistant, Taylor Lewis. Sam Eisenberg, George Cuevas, Naomi Schambelan, Drew Yoder, Shuan Buchanan and Sura Choi among others were champs, helping with lab demonstrations of special tests and with demonstrations of how and when to utilize PRI techniques in designing individualized programs. I appreciated John Ursone, Marisa Gulizia and others for your on-point questions about PRI the science, particularly with regard to application. Thank you Robert “Luceeeente,” Crystal Palmer and really the whole gang for your senses of humor and keeping the positive flow throughout the course.

Thanks again Lafayette crew. This weekend was a celebration of learners and functional movement science—what a blast!