Pelvis Restoration – Seattle, WA – Course in Review

Ahh Seattle… How I missed you! I had the absolute pleasure visiting one of the most beautiful places I have ever had the privilege to teach PRI. I flew in early this time and was able to finally scratch my bucket list line item of going up the Space Needle! I visited the Pikes Place Market, took in an Underground Walking tour and learned all about how the Pioneers developed the city of Seattle. I ate my fair share of seafood and fueled up for the weekend ahead.

10 years ago, I assisted James Anderson in teaching the very first PRI course in Seattle. PRI has grown so much in the last 10 years, but nothing like the firestorm that hit this area. Seattle has so many amazing clinicians that have really grabbed hold of the science and ran with it.

I had the help of my PRI friend Zac Hawthorne. Zac did a great job helping during lab, sharing his insights with our class and answering questions.

This weekend I taught Pelvis Restoration at Pro Sports in Redmond, Washington. The staff Amanda, Cory, Siera, and Nathan made me feel so welcome, it hardly felt like I was working.

Jen Poulin teaching Pelvis Restoration in Seattle, WA

Pelvis Restoration is a great first course as it allows for a nice blend between Myokinematics of the Hip and Pelvis and concepts introduced in the Postural Respiration course. My attendees ranged from 8 “Newbies” to experienced PRI clinicians. This was a nice mix for learning and integrating effective evaluation tools and treatment interventions. I hit home the concepts of Respiration and Gait as it relates to the inlet and outlet and how that presents in patients suffering from diagnosis of Iliosacral pain, pelvic floor conditions, lower back pain and pubalgia.

My own recent course attendance at I & I, the Non-manual technique workshop and PRI for Pilates really helped me teach Pelvis concepts this weekend. I did my best to keep to the Pelvis concepts but relevant to the science taught in other courses. The integration of outlet and mediastinum inhibition using the objective tests such as how a PADT and posterior medisatinal outlet expansion tests, bridge the gap between the pelvis and thorax.

Special thanks to Taylor, Anna, Lisa, Jake, Elena and Steve for helping with lab demonstrations this weekend. I will now take a much needed rest and look forward to being back on the road in September in the Big Apple!

Until then PRINation… #trustthebreathe