Pelvis Restoration – Tucson, AZ – Course in Review

What a great weekend in Tucson, Arizona this past weekend! I not only got to enjoy blue skies and 65 degrees (Lincoln, NE snowy and 20 degrees), but I also had the pleasure of introducing a third of the class to PRI. It was a great weekend of pelvic inlet and pelvic outlet going into the weeds of detail with muscle actions, positions, and objective testing. The class participation was great with questions, participation, and engagement. I felt the participants appreciated the objective tests and how they can make improved PRI exercise selections when understanding what these tests are showing them. I also felt the power of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms for internal pressure regulation and air flow were better understood with correct pelvic position. The facility was amazing and thank you to Ben and the University of Arizona for hosting Pelvis Restoration this past weekend. It was a great start to 2020!