I had the pleasure of traveling to the West Coast this past weekend to teach Pelvis Restoration. This course is an amazing integrated primary course to introduce concepts of respiration that affects not only the thorax but also the pelvic floor AKA pelvis diaphragm. I was joined by my husband Chris Poulin. Chris is an Athletic Trainer and strength coach. I am always happy to have him join me, but especially to be able to answer application questions for the wellness providers in the class.
It was an awesome weekend teaching concepts of Pelvis Restoration to a diverse group of clinicians. We enjoyed discussing inlets and outlet position of the Left AIC, PEC and Patho PEC patterns. An important concept we delved into was how these neurologic patterns created compensatory movement patterns that can affect internal pressures of air and gas.
These faulty breathing patterns can result in a variety of pelvic floor conditions as well as IS dysfunction and lower back dysfunction.
It was great to see an area of our country that was so tragically affected by the wildfires beginning to heal from the devastation. Thank-you Henry Mayo staff and course attendees for making Chris and I feel so welcomed!
– Jennifer Poulin