Pelvis Restoration – Valencia, CA – Course Review

Thank you Elizabeth Makous for the invitation to come to the Henry Mayo Fitness Center to present Pelvis Restoration this past weekend. Southern California saw snow, rain, and hail Friday and Saturday, but it didn’t stop the quest for learning in this group!!!  

I truly enjoyed teaching this past weekend with this group of clinicians. The questions, attention to detail, and intellect was fabulous and assisted the whole class in learning the material. We went into the "weeds" to understand the pelvic inlet and outlet position influencing neuro-muscular need for inhibition and facilitation of muscle for ascension and descension of the respiratory and pelvic diaphragms. This is desired for internal compression and decompression for forward movement. This material can be complicated, but worth the journey for improved patient and client outcomes.

Loc, thank you for being an amazing lab assistant. Thank you to all the course attendees spending a weekend with PRI and learning new concepts and being open to them. Again, thank you to Henry Mayo Fitness and Elizabeth for hosting.

I should note–I did return home to Nebraska to blue skies, sunshine, and 60 degrees!!!