Postural Respiration – Chandler, AZ

Spooner Physical Therapy in Chandler is a familiar hosting location that is perfect for presenting PRI courses with a physical therapy staff always pushing for more knowledge and this weekend was no exception. This diverse group of practitioners from physical therapy, chiropractic, occupational therapy and even Feldenkrais Method attended Postural Respiration with “spot on” questions and observations every step of the way during the weekend.

For almost half of the class Postural Respiration was their first PRI course. The topics of anatomical asymmetries, delivery of airflow sense, and the fact of lateralization to one side of the body driven by dominate polyarticular chains of muscle directed by “functional cortical dominance” was completely new to many. The form and function of the thorax driven by delivery of air into the chest wall as it related to center of mass to one side of the body is always a critical point as well as remembering that it is a neurologically driven system along with anatomical asymmetries and asymmetrical air flow that affect movement and function of the entire physiological system.

The first course, with many to follow in PRI, can be a “paradigm shift” that leads to a greater understanding of the patient or client we are working with. The attendees of this course were so energetic and curious and it was a pleasure working with every student that attended. Thank you so much to all of you that travelled especially Zak from Canada, Mary from Los Angeles, and everyone else that took time out of their busy lives to attend Postural Respiration. Thank you very much to Kathleen at Spooner for not only being my driver, but along with Aishwarya, and Erin getting to the facility early and staying late to set up and break down on Sunday the facility for all of us. A big thank you to all three for helping to facilitate this weekend. And thank you to all of the students for attending this weekend and we hope to see you further down the road on your PRI journey of exploring and discovery!

– Skip George