Postural Respiration – Davis, CA – Course Review

It is not often that almost an entire group of course attendees are not only new to PRI but nearly the entire group is new to Postural Respiration. In addition, a large number of the course attendees where affiliated with the host site and staff at the University of California at Davis sports medicine department. The combination of new course attendees and the cohesive group from UC Davis made for an entire group experience that this faculty member will remember for a long time!

Respiration is the heart and soul of PRI and how we manage pressure sense neurologically is a post graduate subject that this group new to PRI grasped immediately.  For new students there where questions through out the weekend that re-enforced all of the concepts of this course and the basics of PRI.  Everyone of us can remember their first course and how daunting a "paradigm shift" can be.  This group of students shared this shift in a step-by-step journey into the wonders of this course where it appeared that all were pulled along by each other in this endeavor to learn.  Was it and is it always daunting for new students to be introduced to PRI for the first time or to a new course?  Yes but the energy and attention held throughout the weekend was impressive to say the least!  And, the UC Davis team now can share, practice and grow in their PRI journey together to provide care to their athletes and each other.  I look forward to returning to Davis one day and to see this community of professionals grow in taking all of the primary courses and moving on to secondary and tertiary courses in the future.  Thank you much to Melissa, Sammatha, Doug, Lisa and the entire UC Davis Sports Medicine Team for hosting.