Postural Respiration – Greenfield, WI – Course in Review

Rosencutter Ultra Fitness, also known as Rosen-Cutting Edge Fitness, was the location of their second hosted PRI course this past weekend. Nick Rosencutter is always looking for a way to help his clients improve whether it is thru strength and conditioning, nutrition, the latest in soft tissue workand especially PRI as it applies to performance and rehabilitation. Rosencutter Ultra Fitness had six of their trainers in attendance including Nick and they have a team approach integrating PRI into client programming. Position prep is part of their programming to provide sense awareness for neutrality before, during and after workouts. We discussed this weekend that PRI loves extension for power and performance–we just don’t want you to stay in extension. Equally, and perhaps more important, is the issue of rest and neutrality via flexing into neutral with adequate rib internal rotation.

The job of strength and conditioning professionals is to help clients and athletes become stronger, faster, more skilled at movement and especially durable whether you are a grandmother picking up grand kids or an olympic speed skater. Since this class was attended by so many strength and conditioning individuals, the issue of "saggitalization" was explored as well as the ability or inability to maintain or achieve competent transverse plane-ability in rotational sports. Since all sports require rotation for power and performance, the ability to orient a pelvis fully left and right then have adequate and full counter rotation of a ribcage is a must for what is known as separation of torso and pelvis.

Testing and non-manual techniques are always "ah ha" moments as they relate to position pelvis, femur, ribcage, scapulae and even neck. What is driving these positions in this course and the best answer when a student is called upon? The diaphragm of course! Manual techniques included the big three that we cover in Postural Respiration as well as a two person infra-clavicular pump that is often needed for a person that loves to stay in extension even after the best efforts via non-manual techniques to get them neutral. Also in attendance were physical therapists, a massage therapist and an ATC from Alaska who was travelling locally with the hockey team he works with. Shout out to Nick and all of his staff for their support and enthusiasm this weekend.