Postural Respiration – Jupiter, FL – Course Review

Enveloped by palm trees and the salt-water aroma of the Atlantic Ocean is a gem of a clinic: Arise Center for Athletic Development, our host for Postural Respiration.
Arise was filled to capacity, evidence of the thirst for PRI in the Sunshine State. With her wedding just days away, Tia Moir was determined to put aside her pre-wedding jitters and focus instead on growing her understanding of PRI concepts. Tia, I hope your wedding day was glorious!

Postural Respiration lays the groundwork for concepts that are reinforced in every one of the Institute’s courses: the neurology of movement and the role of the thoracic diaphragm on patterned, habitual activity and our nervous system’s state of tension and twist present in all our patients-clients. Through lecture and lab, attendees gained a thorough understanding of, and experienced within themselves, the power of the hemi-diaphragm’s most important characteristic: its zone of apposition. Loss of the left hemi-diaphragm’s ZOA initiates deleterious air flow patterns and is the underpinning of movement dysfunction. Attendees learned how to coach their patients-clients through numerous non-manual techniques that place an individual in novel, biased positions and challenge the nervous system to disengage old movement patterns and replace them with healthy, efficient ones.
Post-lab comments included: “My left side feels heavier.”  “My back tension is gone.”  “I can breathe deeply again.”

It was our good fortune to have in class Amy Brown, PT, PRC. Amy assisted in lab and shared her clinical perspectives throughout the weekend. Amy is well-versed in the PRI approach and is a great resource for the Floridian contingents, especially those starting their PRI journey.

Many thanks to the team at Arise:  David Donatucci, Austin Hetzer, Jen Lewis, Mickey Massucci, and Ahmed Rashwan.  You were instrumental in providing an atmosphere of comfort with good energy and flow.  
Thank you to our models, who greatly enhanced the learning for all:  Joi Dupre, Rogelio Govea, Amy Haddad, Hugh Pun, Ahmed Rashwan, Rosaline Riuz-Go, and Brandon Van Kempen.   
Arise will host Myokinematics next year.  Faculty member Kasey Ratliff will bring her PRI prowess and clinical versatility to strengthen your PRI knowledge and understanding of how the neuromusculoskeletal system really works.